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Sociokulturne posljedice razvoja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije


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Babac, Milan. (2011). Sociokulturne posljedice razvoja informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Nikodem, Krunoslav].

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In this paper we develop information and communication technology, and we try to examine what consequences this development has on society as a whole, the community, communication and social capital. We started with the theoretical assumptions of Manuel Castels whereby our society no longer functions according to the hierarchical principle, but according to the principle of the network. Also, the theoretical framework we will continue to Daniela Bella theory of post industrial society, then the theory of reflexive modernization of Ulrich Beck, and theory of Anthony Giddens to our society which he called a "runaway world." Based on this theoretical concept in this paper we describe the following hypotheses. Specifically, the development of information communication technology brought us the previously mentioned hypothesis of a networked society, then the community is no longer tied exclusively geographical coordinates and real time, today's communities are defined by substantially more fluid boundaries than before the development of ICT. Next we describe the thesis is the possibility of communication, "according to many, many, unlike previous forms of communication when the communication took place mainly from one or several sources to others. And fourth consequence of the development of information and communication technologies that we question in this paper is the impact on social and cultural capital. In this section we find a twofold effect, because there are situations when the development of ICT strengthens social capital, but also there are situations when it weakens.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: networked society, information and communication technology, virtual communities, communication in cyberspace, social capital
Subjects: Sociology
Departments: Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Nikodem, Krunoslav
Date Deposited: 14 Jun 2016 09:40
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2018 14:27

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