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Feminism in Croatia and Russia


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Balošić, Pokabell. (2014). Feminism in Croatia and Russia. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of East Slavic Languages and Literature
Department of Sociology. [mentor Galić, Branka and Čelić, Željka].

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There are lot of similarities between Croatia and Russia and their family and economic life from seventh to twelfth century. After that time, women's honor and premarital purity began to determine her life, rather than her physical and intellectual abilities. In urban centers of the nineteenth century of both Croatia and Russia, education of women became a matter of public discussion, which resulted in establishing female secondary and higher education institutions. Unfortunately, this act is not accompanied by employment opportunities for women. During the first half of the nineteenth century, the awareness of acquisition of women’s political rights is growing. This leads to the acquisition of women’s right to vote, on March 21, 1917 in Russia, and on August 11, 1945 in Croatia. Both countries were under socialist regimes that tried to, through the postulate of gender equality, activate women as a needful work force. During that time, many of the important feminist organizations were established. In the nineties of the twentieth century, feminism in Croatia and Russia enters its third and final phase, which is characterized by turmoil within the movement. Contemporary feminism in Croatia is missing a general goal, which would, undoubtedly, lead to the actualization of women's issue in the country. In Russia, very few feminist actions encounter considerable society resistance, as a consequence of conservative and patriarchal politics in the country. The future of feminism lies in a gender sensitive education and the revival of civic activism. Consequently, this would raise awareness of problems that women have to deal with on a daily basis.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: feminism, Croatia, Russia
Subjects: Slavic languages and literatures > East Slavic languages and literatures - Russian
Departments: Department of East Slavic Languages and Literature
Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Galić, Branka and Čelić, Željka
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2016 11:36
Last Modified: 01 Sep 2016 11:36

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