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Diploma Thesis
Grobenski, Beata. (2019). Translation and Translation Analysis of a Chapter from Zuzana Brabcova's „Far from the Tree“. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Munđer, Ines. (2019). Psihološka karakterizacija odabranih likova u prozama Ladislava Fuksa. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Hušnjak, Kristina. (2018). Prijevod i translatološka analiza pripovijetke Honzíkova cesta. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Dejanović, Iva. (2018). Translation and translation analysis of two short stories by J. Balabán. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Džambo, Ivana. (2018). Prijevod i lingvostilistička analiza članka Několik slavofilských kapitol z historie stříbrno-bosenských františkánů R. M. Zahradníka. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Brabec, Iva. (2017). Prijevod i translatološka analiza pripovijetke "Poryv větru mi rozhazuje vlasy" Kateřine Rudčenkove. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija and Sesar, Dubravka].
Kos, Silvija. (2017). Prijevod i translatološka analiza pripovijetke Jiříja Hájíčeka "Koně se mají pohřbívat". Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Ivačić, Matija].
Zeitoun, Widian. (2017). Pijevod i translatološka analiza izabrane proze Petre Soukupove. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Sesar, Dubravka and Ivačić, Matija].
Vlatković, Petra. (2017). Prijevod i translatološka analiza jednog poglavlja romana "Letopisy Vukogvazdské družiny" Jana Kravčíka. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Sesar, Dubravka and Ivačić, Matija].
Ivić, Marin. (2017). Prijevod i translatološka analiza pripovijetke Zlaté časy Emila Hakla. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Sesar, Dubravka and Ivačić, Matija].