Miljan, Zrinka.
Sexual revolution in Croatia in 1960s and 1970s.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij moderne i suvremene hrvatske povijesti u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu)
[mentor Šute, Ivica].
This research provides a comprehensive scholarly analysis of the sexual revolution in
the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia – SFRJ, with special emphasis on the
Socialist Republic of Croatia – SRC. It departs from a widely accepted definition of the
sexual revolution as a socio-political process that includes the protests and demands of young
people for free love, legal abortion, contraception, tolerance towards homosexuality, and
pornography and examines the influence, presence, and idiosyncratic developments of these
processes both on the federal and republic level in SFRJ. Starting hypothesis is that the SFRJ
of the 1960s and 1970s, and therefore Croatia as one of its federal republics with certain
autonomy and specificities of its own, embraced the pattern and practice of sexuality to which
contemporary scholars refer to as the sexual revolution. Based on archival, secondary, and
oral sources the research shows that although often viewed as characteristic of mainly
democratic and capitalist West of the 1960s and 1970s, the key patterns and processes
connected to the sexual revolution can be traced within the women and youth in socialist
Croatia. These two social groups often exhibited the same or similar demands that can all be
described as the key distinctive features of that which is commonly defined as the sexual
revolution. What allowed for this to occur were developments that occurred in the 1960s
when socialist Yugoslavia experienced both external and internal political and economic
changes. Departing from the Soviet-style communism after Tito-Stalin split, the
implementation of new economic policies of economic self-governance, active role in a NonAligned
Movement and finally the removal of the untouchable ruler of secret service,
Aleksandar Ranković, all opened a wider maneuvering space which allowed for the
appearance of more open social demands. However, such social demands were to remain
confined within the permitted limits conceived and defined by the Party.
To examine these patterns and processes in a wider context, a method of comparison
presents the core methodological tool in this work. Thus, the sexual revolution in socialist
Croatia is observed and analyzed in the context of the West and the context of the East, i.e.,
within the dominant political and ideological systems – capitalist and socialist. This approach
aims to determine the similarities and differences with regards to the Yugoslav, that is
Croatian idea and practice of sexual revolution. Therefore, this research is embedded into the
trans-nationality of historical developments and processes by examining these within both
nationally and transnationally specific environments. This transnational character presents an important variable because socialist Yugoslavia often positioned and portrayed itself as being
in-between of that which was considered ‘normal’ for the West and that which was
considered as ‘amoral’ or ‘abnormal,' and thus often forbidden and depicted as deviant, in the
In general, the sexual revolution in the West and socialist Yugoslavia was primarily
carried out by young people. However, these processes in SR Croatia require somewhat
different treatment within their specificities. These arise from the fact that SR Croatia was a
republic and a society deeply entrenched and built on the key premises of the communist
ideology of socialism, which at that time dominated the Eastern Europe. Firstly, this concerns
the position of women who, together with young people, present the key actor within the
sexual revolution in SR Croatia. The position of women was defined according to the
communist idea that their highly visible oppression should and must be dealt within the same
context of the working-class oppression since women presented its constituent part.
Therefore, it was exactly during the 1960s and 1970s that the position of women started to
change rapidly. Primarily, this was connected with women's more active role in everyday
political and social life, as well as with the fact that it is exactly in this period possible to trace
and measure a significantly higher percentage of women participation in primary, secondary
and tertiary economic spheres. By encouraging and establishing better and more adaptable
working environment and broadening their educational opportunities, while at the same time
increasing the number of childcare facilities in line with improved healthcare, women gained
more economic independence. All these developments meant that for the first time women, to
an extent, had an opportunity to arrange their lives according to their own needs and desires.
As discussed in this research, the crucial link between young people and their demands, with
an increasingly more active political and social role of women was provided by the fact that
both contraception and abortion were allowed as legal means of protection from unwanted
pregnancies. It was precisely the availability of contraception that provided women with a
free choice and total control over whether they wished to have children or not. Furthermore,
combined with an improved economic situation and educational opportunities’ it also allowed
them to decide on their own when and with whom they wish to establish their family. As this
research has shown, it was exactly the wider social and political acceptance and availability of
contraception to women which opened the space for their more equal societal, political and
family inclusion since all of the above-mentioned meant significant reduction of their
dependence on men. Having in mind that contraception and abortion were promoted as socially acceptable means for birth control, it comes as a no surprise that contraception, and to
an extent abortion as well, became desirable and acceptable not only among women but also
among the youth as well. Thus, exactly during the period examined here one can trace an
increase in establishment and availability of counseling centers across SR Croatia. These
centres had a role in promoting awareness of the consequences of unwanted pregnancy and
various available means for its prevention. Seen as a socially and politically accepted means
of contraception, abortion in socialist Yugoslavia was legally codified by the 1974
Constitution and was further developed by the 1978 Croatian Law on Health Measures in
Implementation of the Right to Freely Decide on Childbirth. A similar attitude can be traced
to young people as well, especially students and adolescents. For them, contraception allowed
the practice of pure sexual pleasure, without having to fear the unwanted pregnancy and its
consequences. In order to provide a more comprehensive picture of the development and
influence of contraception among the youth, this issue has been observed in the binary
relation of countryside vs. urban centers. Such approach presents a crucial variable to examine
and trace the influence of sexual revolution in the countryside as well, although it was largely
perceived as an urban phenomenon. It further allows to trace the dissemination of
information, and their acceptance among the women and young people living in the
countryside and how much of what was perceived as a normal and acceptable behavior had an
impact and managed to reach the youth and women outside the major urban areas. What this
approach has shown, is that women in the countryside showed significantly more openness to
certain changes brought by the sexual revolution from their urban female comrades who were,
it seems, more conservative with regards to some practices of free sexuality.
The role and position of the youth in the Yugoslav communist-socialist society came
to the forefront with world-wide 1968 student protest. Somewhat similar to the sexual
revolution pattern, this youth protest also emanated from the West but soon found its way into
socialist Yugoslavia. Same is in western countries, the youth and students in Yugoslavia
placed similar demands in front of their political leaders which consisted of the better student,
working, and housing conditions, employment, and better living conditions for the youth in
general. One of the best indicators of the occurring change are the magazines, both of foreign
and domestic provenance, widely read by the youth. These included international ones such as
Playboy, Er, Lui and others as well as those of the Yugoslav publishers such Start, Polet, Eva
and Adam, Čik or Studentski list, whose pages consisted of a significant amount of articles
and editorials dedicated to sexuality and to the ‘freedom’ which the sexual revolution brought to socialist Yugoslavia. What is highly interesting, and which indicates what I refer to as the
‘Yugoslav openness to a degree’ is the fact that these magazines often brought articles and
expert opinions published in newspapers and magazines in democratic and capitalist countries
such as Sweden, the Federal Republic of Germany or the United States. Therefore, besides
examining the social and practical role and influence of the sexual revolution and its impact
on the youth and women in SR Croatia, this research also examined the third, political level of
this process. Such an examination meant studying the position of the Communist Party of
Yugoslavia and that of Croatia with regards to the occurring changes and demands put
forward by their society. This aspect is important because it was the League of Communists
of Yugoslavia, both on federal and republic level, which controlled and manipulated the
presentation of both political and social discourse. Thus, it had the power to decide over the
journal or magazine content considered suitable, timely, and beneficial for its cause and thus
made available to women and young people.
In conclusion, this research presents one of the first scholarly investigations regarding
the transfer, implementation, and to an extent, specific development of the events and
processes commonly referred to as the sexual revolution in a socialist country whose society
was formed according to the communist values. The processes described here all resembled
the patterns that can be observed in the Western democratic world, with one major difference
which was that they occurred within the communist-socialist society and political
environment. Therefore, they have been structured in such a way to become suitable for a
completely different ideological and social basis, i.e., a Marxist-communist dogma of society
and politics. While the role and influence of the sexual revolution in socialist Yugoslavia may
seem less obvious than in western societies, it is possible to argue that the Yugoslav “model”
of the sexual revolution was socially translated in a more comprehensive way than its Western
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
communism, socialist Yugoslavia, sexual revolution, (free) sexuality, sexual
education, Americanization, women, youth, Women’s Antifascist Front, women's conference
for social engagement, erotic magazines, erotic movies, contraception, abortion |
Subjects: |
History |
Departments: |
Department of History |
Supervisor: |
Šute, Ivica |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij moderne i suvremene hrvatske povijesti u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu |
Date Deposited: |
21 Aug 2018 09:19 |
Last Modified: |
12 Jul 2019 23:15 |
URI: | |
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