Alfirević, Tihana.
Predstavljanje digitaliziranog arhivskog gradiva u mrežnom okruženju:
analiza mrežne stranice Prvi svjetski rat 1914.-1918. - pogled iz arhiva.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
[mentor Zlodi, Goran].
The web site Prvi svjetski rat 1914.-1918. - pogled iz arhiva was launched by the Croatian State Archives and is a step towards bringing together archives and their users, and consequently bringing together archives and society as a whole. The aim of the web site is to present to the public a highly digitized archive material about the First World War and point out to numerous possibilities of exploring this historical period. The communication of cultural heritage, as well as of archival material, has changed greatly thanks to the use of modern interactive computer technologies, with the main role played by the Internet. The advantages of electronic information systems - improved search of information, fast and inexpensive communication and the possibility of multiple use, have imposed archives the prerogative to provide more diverse and better information to the users. Development, maintenance and improvement of the technical and user functionalities of the site Prvi svjetski rat 1914.-1918. - pogled iz arhiva, and thus initiatives such as this, are a way for archives of facilitating access to information on cultural heritage.
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