Markač, Valentina.
Prezentacija umjetničkih djela u virtualnim muzejima na primjeru virtualnog muzeja avangarde.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
[mentor Zlodi, Goran].
Art heritage, as well as other kinds of heritage, is considered an important reflection of our history, culture, the way in which the members of society percived the world around them and the feelings they felt. Therefore, it is necessary to to take all measures to maintain this
heritage so it can serve future generations and so they can understand the human past. Artwork that includes paintings, drawings, graphics, photographs, sculptures and sketches are artistic creations and are often held in museums or art galleries. Materials used in artwork contain certain properties and on those properties depends life time of the work, and it mostly will, in spite of numerous restoration attempts, decline with time. As a person who finished art school and appreciates the importance of such works, I had an insight into the difficulties that specialists encounter when it comes to preservation of artistic heritage, as well as the disinterest of younger generations for art. However, with the development of technology there have been new ways of preserving through the digitalisation of cultural institution's content and presentation of the artistic heritage. One of the more atractive ones are virtual museums. Virtual museums have introduced important changes in heritage conservation and communication. Using virtual museums, works of art are effectively preserved from decay and are available to anyone with internet acces. They have the ability to bring art closer to everyone, especially younger generations, and are a way to popularize the consumption of cultural content. The Virtual museum of avant-garde art is a digital base that actively promotes avant-garde art, encourages opinion exchange and is a place for various experts, artists and intellectuals where they come together and can find extensive information about the avant-garde movement. As the only and most comperhensive digital display of avant-garde art in the region, I though it would be an interesting example for this type of analysis.
In the fist part of the thesis, the concept of artistic heritage is briefly explained using UNESCOs Convention from 1972. After that, the history of virtual museums and their advantages and possibilities of communicating digitized works are presented. The paper also deals with the issue of preserving the artistic heritage and explains how virtual museums can help with that. After that, it follows a brief review of the history of avant-garde art and the movement in the 20th century, as well as the link between the phenomena of the virtual museums and the avant-garde movement, all to better describe and understand the importance of the Marinko Sudac Collection and the Virtual Museum of Avant-garde Art whose site is analysed and serves as a excellent example of presentation of artworks in a virtual environment.
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