Lukšić, Martin.
Accommodation and joint activities as determinants of close relationships.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
[mentor Huić, Aleksandra].
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the amount of time spent in joint activities, accommodation techniques, and relationship satisfaction, and whether accommodation techniques and time spent in joint activities are significant predictors of relationship satisfaction. We used „The Accommodation Scale“, „Measures of Good Communication, Joint Activities, and Autonomy“, and „Perceived Relationship Quality Components“. The study was conducted online through a snowball sampling method, and included 720 participants from Croatia. General findings show significant positive correlations between accommodation techniques voice and loyalty and time spent in joint activities, and relationship satisfaction and negative correlations between accommodation techniques exit and neglect and relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, accommodation techniques voice and loyalty are significantly positively correlated, while accommodation techniques exit and neglect are significantly negatively correlated with time spent in joint activities. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that accommodation techniques voice,exit, and neglect, and time spent in joint activities were significant predictors of
relationship satisfaction. The findings have theoretical and practical implications, and provide guidelines for future studies.
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