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Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
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Kućni ljubimci kao članovi obitelji: narativne strategije antropomorfizacije i familijarizacije životinja u suvremenom hrvatskom društvu


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Vuković, Nikolina. (2019). Kućni ljubimci kao članovi obitelji: narativne strategije antropomorfizacije i familijarizacije životinja u suvremenom hrvatskom društvu. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. [mentor Rubić, Tihana].

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Companion animals have been present in the lives of people since prehistoric times. The relationship between man and animal changed over time, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds and historical records. Today, companion animals are part of modern society and play an important role in the life of a man, referring to newly invented concepts of pet culture and pet industry. Furthermore, there are more frequent examples of anthropomorphisation and familiarisation of companion animals or attribution of human traits to animals and their perception as members of the human family. Contrary to such a relationship between man and animal, we still encounter abandoned and abused animals, which is why there is a need for associations and activists to protect their rights.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: companion animals, family, anthropomorphisation, familiarisation, pet culture
Subjects: Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Departments: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Supervisor: Rubić, Tihana
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2019 07:22
Last Modified: 22 Jul 2019 07:22

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