Gudek, Vedrana.
Opis polisemnih i homonimnih leksema u suvremenim hrvatskim jednojezičnim rječnicima.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
[mentor Pišković, Tatjana].
This paper discusses the ways and criteria of listing homonyms in dictionary articles of contemporary Croatian monolingual dictionaries – in The Dictionary of Croatian Language (Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika, chief editor Jure Šonje) and in The Dictionary of the Croatian Language (Rječnik hrvatskoga jezika, Vladimir Anić, 1998.). The descriptions of the polysemous and homonymous lexemes in these two dictionaries are quite different and in some examples remains unclear what are homonyms, and what are different meanings of the same lexeme. The author`s goal was to list examples from the above mentioned dictionaries and based on these examples draw conclusions about how these lexemes are described and provide reasons why cetain illogicalities and inconsistencies occur in their descriptions.
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