Melinščak Zlodi, Iva and Pavelić, Damir.
Upravljanje otvorenim arhivom : primjer ELIS-a.
In: Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji 7, 24-26. studeni 2004, Poreč, Hrvatska.
Increasing number of libraries and librarians are joining to community of those managing and maintaining open access to scientific and scholar publishing. Work and tasks in development and maintenance of open archives are similar to digital libraries development (building databases, choosing metadata scheme, subject classification, electronic formats, works to be collected etc.). On the other hand, works on open archives are also specific and represent further development in academic librarians' area of work. According to principles of collecting documents now there two basic groups: Institutional and Subject archives. Institutional collect published or non-published scientific production of only one institution. Subject based collect everything done in one area of science. In both types focus is on collecting documents (papers)published in peer-rewied journals but big impact also lies on other types of documents thus open archives also collect: conference papers and proceedings, conference posters and presentation, books, books' chapters, thesis and masters. Now days, number of institutional open archives largely exceeds number of subject ones and advocates of open access agree that such distributed networks of institutional archives are to be developed: they are easier to maintain, motivation authors to self-archive is also easier, institutions have more ways to present themselves and their work in public, searching and retrieval is easy and efficient and results in better promotion of the institution. There are disciplines/areas of work that, because of specific communication among themselves, still need subject archive more than institutional ones. Librarianship an information science is such an area. Problems that we face developing and maintaining such archive are presented on a poster using E-LIS as example (Eprints in Library and Information Science, E-LIS is an international open archive in LIS field. Most important tasks is promotion of archive itself and number of valuable services it offersŠalso, another important task is getting support from conferences, organizations, institutions, journal editorial boards and all those who have content of importance to all interested in LIS.
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