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Renderiranje vizualnih podataka


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Rončević, Boris. (2010). Renderiranje vizualnih podataka. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science. [mentor Stančić, Hrvoje].

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Computer visualization enabled the transformation of many symbolic data into geometric ones. As the result of the fact that this simulated work can be observed and researched, a revolution in the approach to scientific work appeared. However, over time visualization in entertainment industry has changed the perception of the digital representation of the world. Dramatic development related to digital image creation permeates all aspects of our life today. The manipulation of digital visual data demands knowledge of bit determinants of images: resolution, pixel bit depth and color. We are surrounded by computer animation, visual effects and computer-generated imagery. The creation of a new visual unit by the process of digital compositing has become a usual practice in digital era in order to achieve desired simulated reality, while top priority is the fulfillment of two prerogatives: the work must be realistic and authentic. In order to represent visual data, they need to be rendered i.e. the image needs to be created out of a series of data run in the script of a rendering program. Image creation follows a defined process in which the data are processed by geometric operations and transformation, and in the last stage the characteristics of pixels (light, color, texture, shadow, transparency) are processed. In order to get quality material that contains a large amount of data, large processing power is needed, and the use of a single computer makes the time needed to get the final result a great barrier that needs to be eliminated. The problem is solved by using multiple computers connected into render farm to do the work.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: Rendering, Visualization, Image, Frame, Visual Effects, Digital Compositing, Matte Painting, Computer-Genereted Imagery, Render Farm
Subjects: Information sciences > Social-humanistic informatics
Departments: Department of Information Science
Supervisor: Stančić, Hrvoje
Date Deposited: 11 Jun 2014 12:00
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2014 13:57

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