Kunodi, Tamara.
Naglasak posuđenica u hrvatskome standardnom jeziku.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
[mentor Delaš, Helena].
The normative language literature, while balancing between indistinctly defined differences between the terms loanwords (posuđenice) and foreign words (tuđice), originally used to make use of falling accents to mark the loanwords’ not being adjusted in terms of accent, and was at
the same time unable to set clear criteria for their accent based systematization. Metatony and metatony by metataxis for most of these words (especially longer ones) were always scarce and unusual so “the unadjusted” actually worked for the prescribed norm, and works still, seen as
adjusted, preferred and normal. In that sense, it is useful to reconsider the accentuation of loanwords in normative language handbooks up to now. In contemporary standard pronunciation praxis, and not only that of native speakers of Kajkavian and Chakavian dialects, but also those of Neo-Shtokavian dialect, many of the loanwords tend to permanently stay in the form of a compromised accent “replica”, for instance with words such as depȏ (depȍ), dekoltȇ (dekoltȅ), ragȗ (ragȕ), rokokȏ (rokokȍ), etc. This thesis analyses why this is the case and whether falling
accents on middle syllables of loanwords are acceptable in the neutral codified type of standard Croatian language. Special attention will be paid to accentuation of loanwords by the means of public communication, such as television, which should insist on the usage of the standard language, whereas we witness every day this is where the standard is rarely used, and the substandard is used instead.
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