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Prenesena značenja hrvatskih imenica za životinje


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Bošnjak, Aleksandra. (2014). Prenesena značenja hrvatskih imenica za životinje. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature. [mentor Marković, Ivan].

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In this paper we observe figurative meanings in which Croatian nouns for animals appear. The aim of this paper is to point out that the main mechanism of transfer of Croatian nouns for animals is metaphor, to be more precise conceptual metaphor, one of the central concepts of cognitive linguistics. Cognitive linguistics consideres that manʼs thought processes and cognitive concepts are based on the metaphor and that metaphor defines the relationship between our personal experience of the world and our cultural perception. The main function of metaphor is to over something already known and adopted enable the knowledge of abstract concepts (in this case with animals). A fundamental part of the work is the dictionary of the Croatian nouns for animals in which are listed figurative meanings of Croatian nouns for animals, together with the examples and accompanied meanings. Figurative meanings of croatian nouns for animals can be observed within several models, depending therefore the way in which the meaning has transferred. The first model is external appearance → external appearance (Croat. jež /E. hedgehog/ ‘very short trimmed hair that sticks outʼ), the second model is external appearance → character (Croat. miš /E. mouse/ ‘insignificant, invisible peopleʼ), the third model is character → character (Croat. lija /E. vixen/ ‘cunning and wise maleʼ) . The paper also observes comparative structures that contain a noun for an animal (Croat. hrabar kao lav /E. brave as a lion/) and noun phrases that containe an animal or a part of the phrase is formed by a noun for an animal (Croat. djeca leptiri /E. Butterfly Children/, Croat. riblja kost /E. fishbone/).

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: metaphor, figurative meaning, animals, nouns for animals, Croatian language
Subjects: Slavic languages and literatures > Croatian language and literature
Departments: Department of Croatian Language and Literature
Supervisor: Marković, Ivan
Date Deposited: 10 Jul 2014 11:54
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2014 11:54

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