Marković, Kristina.
Hrvatski pravopis u razdoblju 1945-1990 : četiri pravopisna priručnika.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
[mentor Mićanović, Krešimir].
The aim of this thesis was to describe and compare four Croatian orthography manuals, written in different time periods (1945-1990). These are: „Pravopis hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika“ written by Dragutin Boranić in 1947, „Pravopis hrvatskosrpskoga književnog jezika s pravopisnim rječnikom“, written in 1960 which takes the standard variant of the language into consideration, „Hrvatski pravopis“ written by Babić, Finka and Moguš in 1971 and „Pravopisni priručnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika“ written by Anić and Silić. All orthography manuals are innately different: the second orthography manual features jekavian and ekavian pronunciation.The third orthography manual concentrates on Croatian standard norm, and is therefore composed as a lexical manual. The fourth orthography manual brings a different perspective and offers new orthographic rules. The comparsion of the enumerated orthography manuals offers an extensive insight into the process of the standardization of the Croatian language in the period between 1945-1990.
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