Kurtović, Ileana.
Uloga društvene mreže Facebook u muzejskoj komunikaciji.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
(Prilog: anketni upitnik)
[mentor Zlodi, Goran].
This paper discusses the way in which museums use social network Facebook in museum communication. Analysis of the types of content on the museum's Facebook page is measured by the reaction of the user's site with respect to the options offered („Likes“, comments, sharing). Selection of museums is based on Edson and Dean's division of the artistic, scientific (natural and technical) as well as cultural and historical museums. In each category the museum explores the examples of those who produce the highest activity against web site Museum analytics. The results show the current dominant way of usage of Facebook in the context of the museum. Research has shown that museums most widely publish posts of pictorial content that contains information related to the collection. The results represent a potential future design direction of the type of content on the Facebook museum pages.
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