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Karakteristike govora različitih društvenih slojeva na filmu


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Milanković, Željka. (2015). Karakteristike govora različitih društvenih slojeva na filmu. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Phonetics. [mentor Vlašić Duić, Jelena].

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People speak differently, social stratification of language is present, and speech distinguishes speakers in layers of voice and text. This paper tries to address the problem of speech of different social strata in film approaching it from different perspectives: phonetics and filmology connected to sociology and linguistics, and doing so respecting the interdisciplinary character of the topic. The term of social strata is examined from the perspective of sociology, the language of different strata from the perspective of socioliguistics, while the core of the paper makes presentation from domain of phonetics about voice and pronunciation. The aim of the paper is to examine the relation between speech and social background, and how that is presented in Croatian films. Finally, all these aforementioned perspectives are being linked to filmology, in which the films are analyzed and speech of characters from different social strata and social backgrounds is being examined. The differences that characterize the speech of different social strata are extracted and defined.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: social strata, speech, film
Subjects: Phonetics
Departments: Department of Phonetics
Supervisor: Vlašić Duić, Jelena
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2015 10:43
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2015 10:43

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