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Socijalnoekološke teme i sadržaji u predsjedničkim obraćanjima : diplomski rad


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Pukšec, Domagoj. (2014). Socijalnoekološke teme i sadržaji u predsjedničkim obraćanjima : diplomski rad. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Cifrić, Ivan].

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This paper details the results of a content analysis of speeches made by the presidents of the Republic of Croatia with a focus on socio-ecological topics and subject matters the presidents gave their attention to before domestic and foreign audiences. The analysis encompasses all the important speeches made between the dates of May 3, 1995 and July 1, 2013. Besides the descriptive analysis, this paper also contains a more detailed analysis of all the speeches taken into account. Socio-ecological topics and subject matters are poorly represented and most commonly subordinated to other topics like economic or foreign policy topics. Dominant themes were environmental preservation (10 mentions), food shortages (8 mentions) and climate change (7 mentions). Out of all ecological topics, 77,3% are given to foreign public and the presidents go into detail in only 20,6% of ecological themes in all the speeches. In most cases, the approach of the presidents of the Republic of Croatia towards socio-ecological topics and subject matters was declaratory.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: content analysis, ecology, President of the Republic of Croatia, political ecology, Republic of Croatia
Subjects: Sociology
Departments: Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Cifrić, Ivan
Date Deposited: 16 Jun 2015 11:31
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2015 11:31

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