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Socijalna isključenost dugotrajno nezaposlenih : diplomski rad


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Bašić, Sunčana. (2014). Socijalna isključenost dugotrajno nezaposlenih : diplomski rad. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Lažnjak, Jasminka].

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In this paper I analyzed the problem of unemployment and the emergence of social exclusion in the Croatian society. There are obvious tendencies that people excluded from the labor market are difficult to employ, which points out the problem of structural unemployment. Such unemployment is a consequence of rapid and major changes in the economy caused by transition, war & crisis, and through its longevity affects poverty and social isolation of the unemployed and thus also effects social exclusion. Examining the studies that have dealt with the problem of social exclusion in the Croatian society, it can be concluded that certain characteristics of the respondents increase the risk of social exclusion. It was confirmed that the older working-age people, lower educated, poor and long-term unemployed have a disadvantage and have a higher risk of social exclusion. The deteriorating situation of women in the labor market, especially older working-age women has also been confirmed. It turned out that the long-term unemployed young people have not been affected by social exclusion to the same extent as other groups of long-term unemployed. This is explained by the strong family ties that are still embeded in the Croatian society. However, the problem of long-term unemployed young people still has an impact on society. Due to their situation, young people often accept jobs below their qualifications which hinders the development of their potentials acquired by education, ie. the young are losing their acquired knowledge which impoverishes them and society as a whole. The way out of the situation for many young educated people is leaving the country which further impoverishes society because it loses its development potential.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: longterm unemployment, poverty, social isolation, social exclusion
Subjects: Sociology
Departments: Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Lažnjak, Jasminka
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2015 09:05
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2015 09:05

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