Kanaet, Vanessa.
Utjecaj društvenih mreža na svakodnevni rječnik mladih ljudi.
BSc thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
[mentor Kocijan, Kristina].
With the advancement of technology and the growing presence of social networks, in network communication, a variety of phenomena occurred in language network, such as the use of different abbreviations for a word or a group of words, the use of emoticons, the fact that the English language is constantly expanding its influence in all of the languages with which it comes into contact etc. New generations are increasingly dependent on the network communication that affects their everyday communication and it is changing their vocabulary. Because of the fact how social networks are present in all aspects of human life, including the field of communication, this paper shows the influence of social networks on an everyday vocabulary of young people. First of all, the preconditions for the development of network slang and the concept of social networks as a special place for the development of network slang are carefully explained. Furthermore, individual channels of network communications are explained, which also includes social networks. Basic concepts in observing network slang; computer-mediated communication, netspeak and netiquette are all defined. The second part of the paper refers to the survey conducted by a questionnaire. The goal of the research conducted among young people in Croatia, aged 12 to 25, is to show their knowledge of the network vocabulary and to present the views of respondents about the frequency of their use of popular terms, acronyms, loan words, emoticons, etc.. The analysis of the results comparisons were carried out between groups in order to identify differences and similarities in the answers. At the end, the conclusion shows pieces of information relevant to the impact of network slang on the language used by young people in Croatia.
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