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Razvoj socijalnog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj


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Zubić, Marijana. (2015). Razvoj socijalnog poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Bilandžić, Mirko].

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Social entrepreneurship is a specifi form of entrepreneurship based on the principles of social, ecological and economic sustainability, which mainly implies reinvesting the profis for community benefis, but it is commonly misunderstood regarding its purpose and potentials. This paper gives an insight into the conceptualization of social entrepreneurship and the challenges of the field development. In the first part of paper we look upon the meanings and definitions of the term social entrepreneur and social entrepreneurship. Later we look to the differences between the concepts of social entrepreneurship in Croatia and Europe. There is a growing trend towards the establishment of various forms of social entrepreneurship. Legal models in Croatia enable the realization of various entrepreneurial projects and the funds of the European Union support such initiatives. Th issue of youth unemployment in the Republic of Croatia, as well as throughout the European Union, requires that social entrepreneurship be stimulated in an organized manner, at all levels, with the aim of creating new employment and further development.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social economy, civil society, the challenges of development, entrepreneurship, non-profit sector
Subjects: Sociology
Departments: Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Bilandžić, Mirko
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2015 14:34
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2015 14:34

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