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Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
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Diskurzivnost ekonomije na primjeru reprezentacije zaduženosti globalnog financijskog sustava


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Begić, Jakov. (2015). Diskurzivnost ekonomije na primjeru reprezentacije zaduženosti globalnog financijskog sustava. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Lažnjak, Jasminka and Kalanj, Rade].

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This paper aims to demonstrate the significance and relevance of poststructural gaze towards the economy by both tracing the conceptual commonplaces of this approach as well as practicing this theoretical position in the concrete analysis of the indebtedness of financial system. Brief and localized, but nonetheless significant tradition of poststructural problematizing of category of economy is here presented through three key disciplines: governmentality studies, economic sociology and international political economy. After portraiting the contributions and limitations of these disciplines, the second part of the paper analyzes the apparatus of standardification and validification of credit risk within banks, namely the Basel Capital Accord and practices of securitisation. By offering a genealogy of these techniques, we interpret finance as a discursive space (re)articulated through aggregate of normalized mechanisms and practices which collectively form a rationality of governance. In this way, we point out the importance of performative, symbolic, relational, decentered and contingent moments in the critical conception of (financial) economy as well as show that the critique of economy does not necessarily have to be organized and conducted through the Capital - class - ideology matrix.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: poststructuralism, debt, global financial system, Basel Capital Accord, securtisation
Subjects: Sociology
Departments: Department of Sociology
Supervisor: Lažnjak, Jasminka and Kalanj, Rade
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2016 09:11
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2016 09:11

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