Bušelic, Petra.
Brdo problema : iskazivanje količine neubrojivoga u hrvatskome.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
[mentor Marković, Ivan].
The paper proposes an analysis of Croatian quantification system, and identifies two ways in which quantity is
expressed in Croatian: namely, the grammatical category of number and lexical quantification, which also
includes numerical quantification. Starting from the noun semantics, Croatian defective nouns are analysed,
resulting in the definition of grammatical uncountability. This is measured against the Animacy Hierarchy,
which is then employed as Grammatical Countability Hierarchy for Croatian, and further, as Numerical Countability Hierarchy. It is maintained that both grammatical and numerical (un)countability represent the two
aspects of the same phenomenon rooted in noun meaning. Special emphasis is placed on the ways in which the
uncountable can become countable, where the key role is played by quantificatives. In comparison with numeral
classifiers, the paper provides the list, description and analysis of Croatian quantificatives.
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