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Pitanje identiteta u prozama Petre Hulove


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Hrgović, Antonia. (2015). Pitanje identiteta u prozama Petre Hulove. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature. [mentor Kos, Suzana].

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This thesis will show the impact of cultural and social aspects in the process of building an individual's identity. Analysis was conducted on work of contemporary Czech prose writer Petra Hůlová Circus Les Mémoires (Circus Les Memoires), Stanice Tajga (Taiga Station) Pamět' mojí babičce (The memory of my grandmother), but conclusions can be transferred to struggles of an individual and society in general and not only to the heroes of the listed prose. The objective was to show in which way the individual's immediate surroundings affects shaping of his identity. It has been concluded that the individual, even if not aware of it, sees himself through the prism of his ethnic and cultural identity. Potentially discontent and unfulfilled with own socio-cultural background can bring an individual’s identity in question and give him desire for a different one. Finally, the rejection of their own (cultural) identity leads to closure regarding someone else's (cultural) identity, which should be avoided in today's society that promotes multiculturalism and cultural competence, i.e. clear perception and understanding of their own culture, as well as someone else’s.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: identity, individual, culture, society, literature, multiculturalism
Subjects: Slavic languages and literatures > West Slavic languages and literatures - Czech
Departments: Department of West Slavic Languages and Literature
Supervisor: Kos, Suzana
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2016 10:47
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2016 10:47

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