Babić, Andrea.
Usporedba faktorske strukture sveobuhvatnog inventara socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja između različitih situacija primjene upitnika.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
[mentor Jerneić, Željko].
Socially desirable responding is typically defined as the tendency to give positive self-descriptions. This study analyses the independent samples of participants in three situations that differ in the given instructions for questionnaire filling in. Those three situations are honest responding (N=224), fake good - manager (N=249) and fake good - teacher (N=196). Paulhus constructed a new questionnaire for dealing with the problem of socially desirable responding - A Comprehensive Inventory of Desirable Responding (CIDR), which divides socially desirable responding into four dimensions. According to Paulhus' model from 2002, at the first level the socially desirable responding is divided in the moralistic and egoistic bias. At the second level, moralistic bias is divided into the communal management and the communal enhancement, while egoistic bias is divided into the agentic management and the agentic enhancement. The aim of this study is to test a construct validity of the CIDR by testing its factor structure in the three aforementioned application situations. Using factor analyses, the factors are extracted and the factor structures are determined for each situation. It is shown that the factor structure of questionnaire is changed with the alteration of instructions. Consequently, it does not correspond to the structure assumed by Paulhus (2002). It can be concluded that the construct validity of CIDR is not confirmed and that further studies are required.
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