Jandras, Ana.
E-knjiga u visokoškolskom obrazovanju.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
[mentor Živković, Daniela].
Technology development has influenced the development of electronic publishing, and favorable e-readers influenced the popularization of e-books. Due to the simultaneous respect for copyrights and fullfiling customer needs, academic libraries have not fully decided to enrich its collection with e-books. Changes are occuring slowly as more scientific books are published in electronic form and libraries are supporting publishing in open access. Academic libraries as a center of the educational research community encourage its users and influence the development of education. Libraries seek to ensure easier access to various sources of information and knowledge and support free access to e-books. Access to relevant information must be free of any obstacles.
Due to the fact that education today is based on usage of computers, survey was conducted in order to obtain clearer picture on usage of e-books in higher education among students. The results have shown that students are aware of the positive changes that e-books bring, but they still use printed literature more.
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