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Etički aspekti prikaza nasilja u filmskoj umjetnosti


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Milanković, Željka. (2014). Etički aspekti prikaza nasilja u filmskoj umjetnosti. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Philosophy. [mentor Čović, Ante and Jurić, Hrvoje].

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Film is the omnipresent form of art which is easily accessible nowadays. People amuse themselves watching it, and learn through it. Due to its specific ability to evoke spectators' emotions, film is the form of art which can have both positive and negative influence to the audience. It contains (explicit and implicit) notes and therefore reflects on the mind of a spectator (from children to grown ups). Consequently, film gained the important role because of its influence. The exposure to depiction of violence in film should be examined closely, and the interpretation of violent scenes should be approached from different sides.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: film, violence, ethics, education
Subjects: Philosophy
Departments: Department of Philosophy
Supervisor: Čović, Ante and Jurić, Hrvoje
Date Deposited: 20 Apr 2016 12:21
Last Modified: 20 Apr 2016 12:21

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