Trupković, Lana.
Individual and gender differences in absorption in music.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
[mentor Butković, Ana].
Absorption in music is the ability and willingness to be emotionally drawn in by a music stimulus. Sandstrom and Russo (2013) developed the Absorption in Music Scale to measure this construct. In the first part of our research, we translated the scale and verified its psychometric properties. Analyses showed that scale consists of a single factor and that it displays good psychometric properties. We conducted an online research which aimed to examine individual and gender differences in absorption in music. The study included 416 participants. We examined whether absorption in music correlates with personality traits of the Five Factor Model measured with BFI and with empathy and its subscales measured with PROLI Empathy. Female participants compared to male participants had higher results in absorption in music scale. Absorption in music proved to significantly positively correlate with empathy, cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, neuroticism and with openness to experience. In subsamples of female and male participants, we found that absorption in music positively correlated with empathy, emotional empathy and openness. Additionally, in the subsample of male participants, we found that absorption in music positively correlated with cognitive empathy. Absorption in music didn't significantly correlate with extraversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness. Results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that personality factors account for a significant amount of variance of absorption in music, especially openness to experience. Gender and cognitive empathy are also significant predictors.
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