Bašić, Sonja.
Izbor filmova za poslijediplomski studij Amerikanistike.
Odsjek za anglistiku Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
I. Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941)
2. Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1943)
3. It's a Wonderful Life (Frank Capra, 1947)
4. The Asphalt Jungle (John Huston, 195o)
5. Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks, 1959)
6. The Apartment (Billy Wilder, 1960)
7. The Man who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford, 1962)
8. Nashville (Robert Altman, 1975)
9. Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
I 0. Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis, 1994)
II. Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
12. The Birth of a Nation (David \Vark Griffith, 1915)
13. The General (Buster Keaton/Clyde Bruckman, 1927)
14. Shadows (John Cassavetes, 1960)
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