Vojvodić, Bruno. (2007). Odnos glumca i publike u kazalištu 20. stoljeća - sociološka studija. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology. [mentor Štulhofer, Aleksandar].
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In the 20th century theatre has experienced lots of changes on all fields of its shape and material. One of the most obvious ones is related to requestioning of the traditional roles of an actor and a spectator. A spectator gets much more attention because he becomes an active and creative collocutor while an actor in the same time stops to be a pure interpretor and gets some new functions in order to establish an adequate relationship with the new spectator. The paper elaborates examples related to three different time periods of the century: before World War I, between two wars, and after World War II. The first one is presented through the Russian theatre in the beginning of the century with his most significant representatives Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavski and Vselovod Emilevich Meyerhold. In his ''System'' Stanislavski insists on the honest and persuasive actor whos aim is the truth and who is interesting in his ''living'' the character to the spectator that brings his own impressions and conclusions. Meyehold's actor uses his body like a well adjusted machine in order to establish a special kind of communication with a spectator using his creativity. Between two wars we ephasize the work of Bertolt Brecht with his epic theatre. His actor is using a distance as a main instrument of his expression and aims to demonstrate the situations which a spectator can recognize in the world he lives in and can socially engage. Finally, the period after World War II is represented by August Boal and his theatre of the oppressed which erases the border between an actor and a spectator by creating'' spect-actor'' who can produce and critically watch the performance at the same time. The ephasis is put on the sociological analysis of these case studies with a tendency to discover social moments that favoured to creating new relations and to explore their possible impacts to society itself.
Item Type: | Diploma Thesis |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | biomechanics, epic theatre, spectator, actor, theatre of the oppressed, realism, spect-actor |
Subjects: | Sociology |
Departments: | Department of Sociology |
Supervisor: | Štulhofer, Aleksandar |
Date Deposited: | 05 Sep 2016 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 05 Sep 2016 09:47 |
URI: | http://darhiv.ffzg.unizg.hr/id/eprint/6827 |
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