Senker, Boris.
Four decades of Hvar Theatre Days.
Dani Hvarskoga kazališta : Građa i rasprave o hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu, 40(1).
pp. 5-23.
ISSN 1849-0255
The literature and theatre conference Hvar Theatre Days was initiated in 1972 by a group of members of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Literary Circle Split. The first, introductory conference took place in May 1975, and the first collection of presented papers from the conference was published next year. Since then, each May 25 to 30 scholars, writers and theatre artists from Croatia and abroad participate in the conference and present papers on Croatian literature and theatre. While in the first and the second cycle, single conferences (1 to 12, and 13 to 30) were organized around most important periods, events and writers in the history of Croatian literature and theatre (i.e. Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment, National Revival, Realism, Modernism, Avant-garde, contemporary literature and theatre; Marko Marulić, Ianus Pannonius, Miroslav Krleža), in the third cycle (31 to present) each year in the focus were specific recurring themes, motives and problems, as well as central figures in Croatian culture (i.e. games and festivities; space and borders; honest and false; travelling, wondering and running away; Marin Držić, Branko Gavella).
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