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Nasilja velikaša i plemstva u srednjovjekovnoj Slavoniji tijekom 14. stoljeća


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Škrinjar, Ivor. (2015). Nasilja velikaša i plemstva u srednjovjekovnoj Slavoniji tijekom 14. stoljeća. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History. [mentor Budak, Neven].

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In this thesis paper, the author examines the violence of lords and other members of nobility during the fourteenth century in Slavonia. The author's primary goals were to determine the forms of violence that ruled during that century and how they coincide with political and social changes that occured during the fourteenth century. To explain the background of violence on that specific territory and the kind of society that is in focus of this paper, the author explains the extent of medieval Slavonia and its social structure. Many changes that occured during the fourteenth century had direct impact on administrative, judicial, and daily life of medieval people. Following this the author gives development survey of customs that were still in practice in medieval Slavonia. Also it is given an overview of evolution in written laws and regulations that were increasing during fourteenth century. That kind of development coincides with the arrival of new dynasty, Anjou, in Hungarian – Croatian Kingdom. Political changes in this century included conflicts, political consolidation, wars, decline and rise of lords. In the background of this events changes were occuring that affected everyday life. Changes that included violence and remained important aspect of medieval life. Violence continued to exist in all its forms during fourteenth century. Author separates violence in different forms and analyzes them segment per segment. The paper establishes that different forms of violence were always common regardless of political situtations. The main difference in the fourteenth century and the early medieval ages lies in the development of legal state and regal authority, that had the impact on finding and punishing the offenders. The success of developing effective government in the fourteenth century will be short lived because in the end of this century, first signs of declining regal authority were showing and it would never again regain that kind of power until the sixteenth century.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: nasilje, Slavonija, kasni srednji vijek
Subjects: History
Departments: Department of History
Supervisor: Budak, Neven
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2016 11:12
Last Modified: 29 Oct 2016 11:12

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