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Age is just a number- satisfaction, quality and social (dis)approval of a relationship with an older man


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Kuhtić, Dora. (2016). Age is just a number- satisfaction, quality and social (dis)approval of a relationship with an older man. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology. [mentor Kamenov, Željka].

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Since the time evolution theory saw the light of the day it has been know that woman are more attracted to older man due to perception of higher status and resources (Buss, 1989), but what happens once the romantic relationship is established-it has been unknown. Therefore, the aim of this research was to gain an insight about how young woman experience their romantic relationships with significantly older man in terms of satisfaction, quality and social (dis)approval. The research has been conducted on a sample of 12 young woman (age 19 to 25) who confirmed they have been in a (at least) 6 month long exclusive romantic relationship with an at least 10 years older man. Data were collected by interviews lasting on average 84 minutes. The results showed that woman experienced high levels of satisfaction and quality in their relationships with significantly older man and perceived moderately to highly positive level of social approval. In comparison with previous experience it has been noted that relationships with significantly older man function on the higher level of quality due to higher similarities between partners, better communication skills and advanced sexual skills of an older partner. Intensity of social support can vary depending on a source of support. Friends of a male partner showed the highest levels of positive social support. High levels of social approval were experienced also from the both families. The highest amount of negative reactions was spotted among friends of a female partner.

Item Type: Diploma Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: romantic relationships, satisfaction, quality, social approval, age-gap
Subjects: Psychology > Socijalna psihologija
Departments: Department of Psychology
Supervisor: Kamenov, Željka
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2017 08:19
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2020 13:05

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