Racz, Tara Beata.
Visual artist stereotype: content
analysis and assessment of group differences between artists and non-artists.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
[mentor Jokić-Begić, Nataša].
This research paper builds upon Klineberg’s “kernel of truth” hypothesis regarding the idea that the stereotypes over exaggerate real variations amongst different groups. The aim of the research was to provide an analysis of the contemporary stereotype about visual artists and determine whether the stereotype fits their personalities and lifestyles. The content of the stereotype was tested with the checklist method that was constructed for the purpose of this research. For personality testing we relied upon a short personality quiz TIPI and for the questions regarding the lifestyle, a series of multiple- choice questions. The results are pointing toward the overlap between the attributes that we use to describe artists of both genders, which points that the stereotype about the visual artists is the constant between both genders. Moreover, the stereotype does not change whether the test participates belonged to the inner or the outer group. The results of the analysis of variance sowed that the only difference between visual artists and other population was the openness toward the new experiences, where male artists achieved statistically higher reading then female artists and non-artistic gruop. The lifestyle questioner showed that the artists use substances such as alcohol, marihuana, as well as other psychoactive drugs and medications not prescribed by the medical practitioner in an equal ratio to the non-artistic test participants. This negates the stereotypical idea of a visual artist as an eccentric, nonconventional person prone to the substance abuse. However, the element that shows a clear variation between the artists and non-artists is a greater engagement in sexual as well as a larger percent of the test participants belonging to a nonheteronormative sexual orientation.
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