Oblučar, Branislav.
Tvar i njezini dvojnici. Problem materije u Hodanju uz prugu Danijela Dragojevića.
Umjetnost riječi : časopis za znanost o književnosti, 56(3-4).
pp. 159-182.
ISSN 0503-1853
While interpreting the poems from Danijel Dragojević’s book Hodanje uz prugu (Walking alongside the Railway), the text is dealing with the question of materiality and things, which are frequent motifs in Dragojević’s poetics. The problem is treated differently in various poems (such as Baskijska kapa [Basque Cap], Materija [Matter], Pokretna dobra [Movable Goods]), centered around the relationship between the lyric subject and the material reality that surrounds it. At the same time, matter is something that resists the symbolic attempts of the subject and the entity which functions as their condition. Methodologically, interpretation relies on the phenomenological approaches (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Bachelard) and on the anthropological (Durand) and psychoanalytic (Freud, Lacan) concepts that left the traces in the cultural discourses which, in relatively similar way, treat the question of things and thingness (Brown, Mitchell, Frow).
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