Jurki, Andrija.
Demonološke/mitske predaje u Baladama Petrice Kerempuha.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
[mentor Rudan Kapec, Evelina].
Connections between Balade Petrice Kerempuha (Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh, first printed in 1936) and oral literature (folklore) are often mentioned, but there is still room left for the research an analysis of these connections. Balade Petrice Kerempuha can be considered a fruit of Miroslav Krleža's folklorism (folklorizam, Banov-Depope 2003). The Ballads, which are in fact a new genre different from previous definitions of the ballad, are inspired by regional oral poetry and bring that poetry closer to written literature. Demonological/mythic legends are the oral genre whose influence on the work is being observed, which is accomplished by quantitative (frequential) computer analysis. The results of that analysis have confirmed other researcher’s claims about the presence of orality in Krleža's work. Most of the thesis is a catalogue of legendary beings supplemented with basic information about them. This catalogue can serve as a supplement to the dictionary already printed as a part of Krleža's Ballads.
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