Stančec, Ivan.
Promatranje sa sudjelovanjem i insajderska perspektiva istraživanja nasilja. Kritički pregled metodoloških pristupa i srodnih etičkih i epistemoloških problema.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Chair of Anthropology.
[mentor Potkonjak, Sanja].
The author researches ethical and epistemological problems of using the method of participant observation and insider perspective in the study of violence. In order to study this issue he concentrates his analysis on war ethnographies that, because of the vast array of topics that their authors research, give a broad perspective on the issue of the researcher in the field. Comparing outsider and insider approaches he analyses theoretical, methodological and discursive specifics of these research positions. The author questions the often presumed objectivity of outsider and bias of insider researchers and comes to the conclusion that there is a need for autoreflexive and autoetnographic analysis of terrain experience so as to show the contextual background of the researched subject. Textualization of personal experience helps to contextualize social phenomenons such as these that could have a strong, primarily emotional impact both on the researcher and the researchee. In that way the scientific community and the broader public can be better acquainted with the individual, specific and unique terrain experience. The author comes to the conclusion that an interdisciplinary, international approach to research is needed when researching such complex cultural, social and political phenomenons in order to get a multisited, multivocal view of the problematic at hand.
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