Matić, Tomislav.
John Vitez of Sredna – a 15th century prelate and humanist.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij medievistike)
[mentor Grgin, Borislav and Ivić, Nenad].
This paper deals with the descent, education, career path and cultural and political
activities of John Vitez of Sredna (first or second decade of the 15th century – 1472), one of
the most prominent scholars, patrons of arts, politicians and diplomats of the 15th century
Kingdom of Hungary. Through the use of complete contextualization of the subject of our
study and of prosopography, I will attempt to attain a complete image of John Vitez as a
prelate and Renaissance humanist of his era. His person and actions will be observed in the
context of their time and surroundings, and compared to the actions of his contemporaries of a
similar status. I will also explore Vitez's involvement in the struggle for the bishop's see of
Zagreb in the mid-15th century, and through this lens attempt to shed some light on that
complex subject.
While studying Vitez's origins, I felt it necessary to describe the origins of his family
and the activities of his members, his father's in particular. It is relevant to note that Vitez's
family, the nobles of Gračenica and, since the end of the 14th century, of Sredna, had never
referred to themselves with the surname „Vitez“ – that was a misappropriation of later
historians. The nobles of Sredna were a standard lower-middle ranking noble family of
Medieval Slavonia, no different from a number of others. It has been beneficial to John
Vitez's career, though, that his father Dennis served in King Sigismund's army on at least one
occasion, and had contact with the King's court on several occasions. This might have helped
to propel young John to higher education and service in the King's chancery.
The education received by Vitez could have only been Medieval in nature. There is no
proof that he had contact with any of the early Renaissance humanist leanings present in Italy
at that time. We know that he did enter the University of Vienna in 1434, but have no further
knowledge of his achievements there, except for a fairly certain assumption that he did not
attain any higher academic degrees. However, the education that he could have gained in
Vienna corresponds with the skills and interests he displayed later in his life, such as the
manner of his use of the Latin language, his skill in composing letters and his interest in
astrology. They were all on a firmly Medieval footing, but Vitez's interest in astrology later
brought him in contact with some of the most prominent astronomers of his time, such as
Georg Peuerbach and Johannes Müller Regiomontanus. Astrology remained one of his first
and foremost interests throughout his life. It is unfortunate that we cannot tell to which degree his decisions were based on astrology, but one of his contemporaries and acquaintances,
Galeotto Marzio, stated that Vitez would not do anything without consulting the stars first. It
is important to note that many other Hungarian prelates studied in Vienna as the same time as
Vitez, and their activities there are also considered in this work. Through this we can
determine that in this aspect, Vitez's activities were similar to those of other persons who were
his allies and rivals later in his life.
Beside this interest in astrology, Vitez's interest in Renaissance humanism was
probably sparked by maintaining contacts with some of the prominent Humanists of his era,
such as Enea Silvio Piccolomini, through his work in the Kingdom of Hungary's diplomatic
service. Vitez's principal patron during the early stages of his career, Johannes de Dominis,
could have been an early influence and role-model. But it is also fairly certain that Vitez tried
to uphold the image of a patron of the arts through providing the means for aspiring students
to study in Italy, purchasing expensive books, sending gifts to artists and scientists and
maintaining a lavish court, famous for its library. He did so probably with the purpose of
increasing his fame and, thereby, his influence in European spheres of power. This influence
helped him considerably when it came to extricating himself from dangerous situations, such
as when he was arrested in 1457 by King Ladislas V as a supporter of the Hunyadi family. It
also undoubtedly helped advance his career. But we can say, without a trace of doubt, that the
main driving force behind his success was chance.
Vitez started his career as a lowly scribe in the royal Hungarian chancery in the 1430's.
By 1439 he managed to attain the status of protonotary, and he probably gained the attention
of Johannes de Dominis, who was a prominent diplomat at that time. The latter was probably
the one who introduced Vitez to international diplomacy and selected him for a member of the
embassy which was supposed to negotiate with the Polish king Wladislas III in 1440 and
invite him to take the throne of Hungary. Vitez was later rewarded for his services with the
provostship of Oradea, with Johannes de Dominis as his bishop. After the latter's demise in
the Battle of Varna in late 1444, Vitez succeeded him as bishop, probably as a stop-gap
measure in the chaotic circumstances caused by a power struggle that followed the King's
Vitez's career up to this point was no different than the careers of most of the other
persons of his rank and origins. However, chance propelled him to the position of one of the
most powerful people in the Kingdom of Hungary. Nevertheless, his status depended mostly on the support of John Hunyadi, governor of Hungary in the period from King Wladislas's
death until the release of King Ladislas V from the tutelage of the latter's cousin, Emperor
Frederick III. Vitez served Hunyadi as a trusted diplomat and court official and composed his
famous collection of letters during that time. In this work I have also studied Vitez's activities
regarding the governing of the vast possessions of the Bishop of Oradea and his relations with
his neighbours and other great lords. They provide us with a vivid image of the intricacies of
conflicts and cooperation among the landed elite of Vitez's time, and also with the difficulties
of running an enormous network of estates, such as the Bishop of Oradea's, simultaneously
with fulfilling the obligations of a spiritual leader and political adviser. Vitez realized early on
the advantages of establishing a powerbase of trusted underlings, which were mostly former
members of the Chapter of Zagreb, exiled from their diocese in 1445 and brought to Oradea
by Vitez.
This was only one of Vitez's ties to the Diocese of Zagreb at that time. He was also the
host of the exiled bishop, Demetrius Čupor, and wrote a number of letters in support of the
latter, both in his own and in the name of his patron, John Hunyadi. The Diocese of Zagreb
was where the latter's interests clashed with the interests of his arch-rival, Count Ulrich of
Cilli, and Vitez participated in their struggle on Hunyadi's side.
In 1452, however, after King Ladislas V was unexpectedly removed from his cousin
the Emperor's tutelage and brought to the throne of Hungary, Bohemia and Austria, Vitez was
named the King's secret chancellor. This was again the result of an unexpected set of
circumstances. While serving the King, Vitez travelled with him to Vienna and Prague,
establishing cooperation with other great diplomats of his time, such as Prokop of Rabštejn
and Ulrich von Nussdorf. His acquaintance with Enea Silvio Piccolomini, the future Pope
Pius II, also stems from this time. This was the first time in Vitez's career when he achieved
greatness and fame on a European level, by participating in a number of Imperial Diets,
leading embassies and receiving foreign dignitaries in King Ladislas's name. He also
established a cooperation with the then governor of the Kingdom of Bohemia, George of
Poděbrady, and probably learned much about the art of governing from him.
This era of Vitez's life ended abruptly with the Battle of Belgrade in 1456 and the
killing of Ulrich of Cilli by the Hunyadi faction shortly after it. It is difficult to determine
Vitez's role in the latter, but it is certain that he prospered while the Hunyadis held King
Ladislas V in their power. This lasted only for a brief period, and Vitez was arrested in 1457 together with the rest of the Hunyadi supporters. However, his case was special in that he was
soon found innocent and released by the King himself, and that he rejoined the King in
Vienna and Prague not long after his release. These occurrances happened simultaneously
with upheavals and struggles within the royal chancery, in which Vitez's rivals, such as
Stephen Várdai, tried to advance their own careers at Vitez's expense.
This time, Vitez managed to come out on top, and he was again a leading court official
at the time of King Ladislas V's untimely death in late 1457. By pure coincidence, he found
himself in Prague together with the Hunyadi family's last remaining scion, the future king of
Hungary Matthias Corvinus. In the 1458 election Vitez tipped the scales decisively in
Matthias's favour, by securing the support of George of Poděbrady. In the years that followed,
Vitez was at the pinnacle of his power as the child-king Matthias's chief advisor and policy
Vitez's activities during that time consisted of trying to secure Matthias's position, and
by extension, his own. He established a wide array of alliances and brought his confidants to
positions of power, such as his nephew Janus Pannonius, who became Bishop of Pécs, and
Demetrius Čupor. In the early 1460's, after Matthias's position became if not completely
secure, then at least not immediately threatened, Vitez promoted a policy of maintaining
peace with Hungary's Christian neighbours and concentrating on waging war on the Ottoman
Empire. In this he had the support of his old acquaintance, Pope Pius II. This policy
culminated in negotiating a permanent peace treaty with Emperor Frederick III in 1462, which
was initiated by Vitez himself, against King Matthias's will.
After this time, Vitez's power waned, as King Matthias started to learn the game of
politics and sidelined Vitez by elevating his rivals, such as Várdai. This is also the time when
Vitez's involvement in the Diocese of Zagreb comes to the fore, as Matthias attempted to
reduce Vitez's power by surreptitiously forcing him to accept the transfer from the bishop's
see of Oradea to Zagreb. This attempt did not succeed, but this short backstage struggle
resulted in a severe reduction of Vitez's autonomy when it came to foreign politics and the
strengthening of Matthias's position. Nevertheless, Vitez was still a valuable asset and his
services were indispensible. That is why Matthias did not remove him from his favour, but
elevated him to the position of Archbishop of Esztergom and Primate of Hungary in 1465.
The period after 1465 is the time when Vitez's fame abroad grew the most, promoted
by his relative Janus Pannonius and secretary George Polycarpus of Kostolány. It is also the time when Vitez realized that he couldn't act contrary to King Matthias's will, which was
proven when Demetrius Čupor was permanently removed from the Diocese of Zagreb in
1465. From then on, Vitez advanced King Matthias's projects, which involved preparing the
ground for a war with George of Poděbrady, who was in the meantime crowned King of
Bohemia. Ironically, Vitez was the person whom Poděbrady trusted the most at the Hungarian
court, as evidenced by the sheer volume of letters in which the latter extolled Vitez's sincerity
and righteousness. When war with Bohemia broke out in 1468, it seems that Vitez actively
supported Matthias by providing him with troops, advice and diplomatic influence. He also
fully supported the King in the previous year, during an uprising caused by excessive
taxation, primarily in Transylvania.
The war with Bohemia dragged on and the support for it waned. Also, this war meant
the end of the policy of peace with the Christian neighbours of Hungary, which Vitez helped
build. This meant that Hungary was no longer on a full war footing against the Ottoman
Empire, and Ottoman raids frequently devastated the Hungarian countryside. The breakdown
of relations with Emperor Frederick III in 1470 shocked Vitez to such an extent that he first
withdrew from politics, and then started openly opposing King Matthias, who was, as it
seemed, leading the country into ruin. It is unknown to what extent Vitez was willing to go
against Matthias, but in this work I explore his participation in the 1471 conspiracy against
the King and in the subsequent revolt, which resulted in the failed attempt of bringing the
Polish prince Casimir to the throne of Hungary. I reexamined a number of primary sources
and concluded that Vitez probably did not actively participate in the rebellion, but rather
sought to gain as many concessions from Matthias in exchange for his support.
Vitez finaly fell from grace in early 1472, when Matthias discovered that he still
maintained connections with Poland, and decided to preventively strip Vitez of a majority of
his power, at least until the peace negotiations with Poland were concluded. Vitez was briefly
incarcerated, and soon released under custody. However, he had already been seriously ill,
suffering from kidney stones, and shortly after his release he died, in August 1472.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Ivan Vitez, prozopografija, 15. stoljeće, kasni srednji vijek, renesansa, humanizam,
povijest književnosti, Ugarsko Kraljevstvo, Slavonija, plemstvo, Bečko sveučilište,
obrazovanje, diplomacija, vanjska politika, Zagrebačka biskupija, zagrebački kaptol, crkvena
povijest, prelati, kanonici, Varadinska biskupija, Ostrogonska nadbiskupija, Janko Hunjadi,
Ladislav V., Matijaš Korvin, Juraj Podjebradski, Češko Kraljevstvo |
Subjects: |
History |
Departments: |
Department of History |
Supervisor: |
Grgin, Borislav and Ivić, Nenad |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij medievistike |
Date Deposited: |
27 Apr 2017 14:15 |
Last Modified: |
27 Apr 2017 14:15 |
URI: | |
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