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Intervencije i tretmani autističnog poremećaja kod djece


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Glavina, Eleonora. (2017). Intervencije i tretmani autističnog poremećaja kod djece. Specialist Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
(Poslijediplomski specijalistički studij kliničke psihologije) [mentor Vulić Prtorić, Anita].

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Autistic disorder is a pervasive developmental disorder that starts in early childhood and significantly affects social, emotional, communicative and cognitive development. Its heterogeneous etiology has stimulated the emergence of various interventions and treatments, used especially during childhood. The aim of this paper is to make an overview of the psychosocial interventions and treatments of autistic disorder in children, as well as of their efficiency, by using current literature from the field. Interventions and treatments of autistic disorder in children can be divided into two basic groups: focused interventions and comprehensive treatment models. Focused interventions have mostly originated from behavioral theory, while comprehensive treatment models trace their roots to behavioral, developmental, eclectic and mixed theoretical paradigms. Interventions and treatments originating from behavioral theory usually have well-established efficacy and are highlighted in literature as being prevailing and effective. Their implementation and results can be measured using strict scientific methods. The question is, however, whether theory can in this way be implemented in practice. The question is also whether interventions and treatments whose efficacy has not been established under strictly controlled conditions, can nevertheless be effective in practice. In conclusion, the choice of interventions and treatments depends on various factors such as a practitioner`s knowledge and experience, a child`s individual characteristics, assessment of family`s capacities and awareness of family social environment and circumstances. It is important to note that the results of all treatment types show that treatment should be started as early as possible and conducted as intensively as possible, with involvement and cooperation of experts, family members and family surroundings to the benefit of the child and its progress.

Item Type: Specialist Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: autistic disorder, directed interventions, comprehensive treatment models, behavioral theory therapy paradigm, applied behaviour analysis, evidence – based practice, practise based evidence, developmental psychopathology
Subjects: Psychology > Klinička psihologija
Departments: Department of Psychology
Supervisor: Vulić Prtorić, Anita
Additional Information: Poslijediplomski specijalistički studij kliničke psihologije
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2017 13:00
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2017 13:00

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