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The determinants of innovative communication in the business environment


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Dvorski, Jasmina. (2017). The determinants of innovative communication in the business environment. PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti) [mentor Bakić-Tomić, Ljubica].

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This doctoral thesis was created as a result of the motivation of the author to explore the notion of communication and innovative communication approaches that affect the success of business organizations in the Republic of Croatia. In contemporary studies, innovation is highlighted as a key factor for change and development. Innovative communication is the strategic ability to plan, execute, coordinate and evaluate stakeholders of the communicative process as a means to found, spread and redefine comparative advantages in the aim to creative innovative business organisations. (Pfeffermann, 2012). The aim of this doctorate research is to determine guidelines in innovative communication in the business envirnonment, the strategies and their holders, as well as to explore how they hold-up in the works of the business organisation, their reputation and position on the market. This research document will shed light upon what exactly has an effect on the innovation and innovative communication in the business organisation. The research shall show how a proactive communication strategy affects the innovative envirnonment in an organisation. It will perceive the communicative guideslines which define a innovative business organisation. The paper is structured in the following manner: it consists of five chapters (Introduction, Innovative Communications and Communicating, Researching Innovative Communication, Discussion, and Conclusion). It also embodies the Acknowledgments, Information about the Mentor, the Conclusion along with key words in both Croatian and English, Content, Bibliography, Annexes ( photo list, graph list and copy of survey) and Biography. It is written on 213 pages and includes 29 photos, 70 graphs and 134 bibliographic units. In the first chapter (Introductory Considerations) a theoretical introduction is shown in the area of research, with a clear view of current research in the area of innovative communications. A description of the relevance and importance of the research in the given topic is examined, as well as an explanation of the structure. The methadology used is shown in the research which was carried out, and has been corroborated with research questions which led the way to the empirical area of the thesis. The scientific contribution which was expected is explained in detail. The goal of the research is clearly defined, whose stronghold is in the establishing of the type of innovative work organisations belong to in the researched organisations in the Republic of Croatia, and which forms and types of communications are being used most often in the Republic of Croatia. In this manner it is seen which innovative processes are used in order to define which of the examined work organisations have been recognised as innovative. Three hypopethesis have been researched: H1: Only specific forms of communication encourage innovativness on behalf of management in a work organisation. Innovative communication (professional, proaktiv, assertive, conruent, spontaneous, open, goal aiming, communicating with the use of creative techniques which are realised through personal communication, meetings, internet, social media, press releases, exhibitions, presentations, fairs etc.) encourages the innovativeness of a work organisation (creativeness, innovativeness, imagination, market competition, developement, change) which is proven by the descriptive analysis and corroboration of the empirical research. H2: There is a link between the quality of communication process and the innovative atmosphere in the workplace of an organisation. It has been proven that there exists a connection between the quality of the communication process (a continued exchange and evaluation of information as well as the opinion of the inner and outer stakeholders; planning, carrying-out, control and evaluation of communication activity within and out of the work organisation on an operative and strategic level, the establishing of professional communication processes with vital groups etc.) and innovative work atmosphere of the organisation (including management, workers, innovative teams, advisers, professionals, scientific institutions, partners and interes groups, politics and the end user in the process of creativing new ideas, development and production of innovative products, as well as their introduction to the market) which is confirmed with an extensive analysis and corroboration of the empirical research. H3: Work organisations in the Republic of Croati which have a reputation and are in leading postitions on the market, belong to work organisations which are catagorised as continual, dynamic and innovative organisations and are therefore the most desirable form of innovative work organisations. Successful work organisations in the Republic of Croatia encourage productivness, and have a reputation and a leading position on the market, belong to a specific type of innovative organisation, with that the most desirable form being dinamic continual innovative work organisation, which is seen via the network pages of the examined work organisations, and have been substantiated by the results oft he empirical research. In the second chapter (Innovative Communications and Communicating) a state review description has been addressed and former research in the area of communication in work organisations, concepts and topicalities in the areas of creativeness and innovativness have been problematised. In this chapter, the notion of creativity and innovatiness have been defined, as well as their interralation which in a stimulating atmosphere in work organisations, bring innovative communication. Highlighted are the benefits which creative and innovative communication bring, as corporative and imperative in creating successful and recognised work organisations. A difussion of innovations which the author applies to the development of innovative communication in work organisations, is shown. The importance of the development of innovative communication is featured, as a social type of innovation, being one of the most important factors of development, work productivity and on-going employability. European documentation which innovative communications raise importance from a legal stance (the Republic of Croatia being a member of the EU has the obligation to carry-out iniciatives and strategies) have been indicated. In giving examples of the text and theoritical displays, the author has used displays of photographs and graphs which have contributed to the clearness of the work. In combination of the theoretical displays and contributions of innovative communications, the author has stressed the importance of understanding and investing in the innovative society (work organisation) and its on-going improvement. In the third chapter (Researching Innovative Communication) a detailed methodology and research plan, goal and hypothesis is shown. It has been designed, systematised and logically combined and shows the reseaching of innovative communications, where previous scientific knowledge has been taken into consideration in an effort to come to new paradigma. It has contributed to a relatively unexplored area of innovative communication. The chapter shows investigation carried out with the goal of finding the entrance of innovative communication. A coincidental sample (203 respondents) was used. The research was carried out in five large work organisations in the Republic of Croatia: Končar – ELEKTROINDUSTRIJA d. d., Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d., Vipnet d. o. o. Hrvatska, Hrvatski Telekom d. d. i Ericsson Nikola Tesla d. d. as well as other organisations. Using on-line surveys all levels of management were tesed, as well as units responsible for communication. Criteria which were used for selected professional organisations were: success rate on the market, the possession of organisational units which are responsible for communication, disimilarity shares of ownership kapita in mentioned organisations and the like. The research was done individualy, in a manner where managers were questioned via Internet, as well as in printed form where necessary, and was delivered in the form of a survey in Google Doc format. The survey, which was translated, which was used by the authors Zerfass and Ernst: „Forschungsprojekt „Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement“ (Zerfass i Ernst, 2004) has already been used in Germany for scientific research in the areas of media. Therefore, the curents version of the authors version can be compared with the previose mentioned Greman version in the field of the innovative communication. In the empirical segment oft he research, a description oft he research intrument is given as well as the respondents, results oft he research int he area of innovation and innovative communications. The findings are reasoned with photos and graphs which are explained according to the given goal oft he research and research questions. In the forth chapter the results were interpreted and the highlighted main discoveries which resulted from the conducted research. Through the given areas of communication and innovation, the doctor of philosophy incorpourated the variables int he structure oft he surveyed questionnaire and obtained valuable scientific dana about innovative communication of the surveyed work organisations int he the Republic of Croatia. The following is argued: strategic benefits of innovation, results which adhere to the innovative atmosphere, goal, form and sources of innovative abilities oft he work organisation; a review on the recognition oft he results for the managing of communication. The chapter is concluded by the interalation of innovation and communication and the level of awareness oft he respondents about innovative communication with a marked description of innovative communication. In the fifth chapter (Conclusion) the finninshing considerations were shown. A review on the reached goals oft he research are also given, as well as future recommendations for future research topics.

Item Type: PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: business environment, climate, communication, communication strategy, creativity determinants, innovation, innovative ability, innovative communication, management
Subjects: Information sciences > Media and communicology
Departments: Department of Information Science
Supervisor: Bakić-Tomić, Ljubica
Additional Information: Poslijediplomski doktorski studij informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2018 09:25
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2018 09:25

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