Rupčić Kelam, Darija.
Bioethical aspects of health and social care of a child.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Philosophy.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij filozofije)
[mentor Jurić, Hrvoje].
The aim of this work and its central thesis, care as The essential structure of the human being
is not only one of the many concepts, but one of the fundamental and central phenomena that
characterize human existence. The fact is that just after the welfare man essentially,
ontologically different, by responsibility for others who are in the care to the most excellent
and most comprehensive way expresses and realizes that and that just man, and that is
reflected in this lies his particularity and meaning.
Other conditions and shapes the overall experience of selfhood constituting thus its ethical
coordinates. In other words, the singularity is so conceived and constituted in the context of
the proximity of the Other. Another invites me and addresses and shape the overall experience
of selfhood and thus constituted and its ethical coordinates, so the experience of
distinctiveness is not singular, but personally.
What is beginning to realize in modern society and in our times is the fact, that the deepest
question that before which we are when faced with the question of another and different, the
question of how to agree with you different from us? Contempt of society toward those who
care, such as women, pootlačeni all kinds, marginalized blacks, foreigners, the poor, those of
different sexual orientation, towards the country and the human living beings, it becomes a
virus disease of our society and our culture and civilization. This contempt intricately
connected with the attempt to deny the importance of care. Those who are powerful, reluctant
to admit that they are dependent on those who care for them in society.
What is particularly important to highlight the fact is pointing to the erosion of welfare
western society and its relationship to its most vulnerable members of the children. This
neglect and lack of care in particular reflect the commodification and commercialization of
education and education in general. The fact passive resignation and failure of adults who
should take care of the children, is reflected in being at school and university as the last
bastion of the area of public life, the mechanisms and principles of market logic.
In developed countries, a new cultural ethos prevails so. infintilistički ethos, an ethos of
eternal adolescents and induced childhood. The cult that now, the ethos of narcissism affects the developed parts of the world. An extensive infantilization is closely linked with the
requirements of consumer capitalism in the global market economy.
Attracted by the ideology of privatization, commodification of the public sphere and value,
attractive brands and marketing homogenization, leveling and uniformization of taste, that
serves to maintain the ethos of consumerism, neo-liberal capitalism.
What work is trying to show the cross section of development of the idea of childhood in the
West, the fact is the reverse of the same problem. While in the West occurred deconstruction
of childhood and its depreciation, in poor developing countries occurred at another
occurrence. The ultimate devaluation of childhood to his degradation, exploitation of all
kinds, marginalization and exclusion, deprivation of the child's basic needs. It happened utter
destruction of the value of a child's life, the conditions in which he is nothing more true.
It is a world in which children grow up too soon, marginalized, excluded, unable to give a toll
kozumerističkom developed world, not gaining anything from him in return. Their needs are
ignored, because they have nothing to pay, in addition to their health and ultimately lives.
The framework and the methods by which we move in emphasizing bioethical aspects of
social and health care of the child, based on pluriperspektivnoj paradigm and the concept of
integrative bioethics, which taking into account the multiplicity of perspectives, our issues
placed in a more comprehensive and holistic framework of the consideration of different
perspectives and approaches to complex and controversial issues such as the relationship of
society and care for the child.
The methodology will be based on research regarding the integrative approach, and the
methodological pattern Pluriperspec, which is conceptually developed in the framework of
integrative bioethics. This means that the problems and aspects of social and health care of a
sick child to look at and be shown from different perspectives to the updating and their
interaction can be developed to determine the orientation of knowledge and practical
landmarks. This will be used special methods of analysis of copyright works, public opinion
polls and pediatric (social pediatrics) and hospital practice, comparisons of arguments and
experiences from the field, and interpretive reconstruction point of view and the various
aspects of the issue offered. Integrative approach to problems and various aspects of health and welfare of the child allow a broader horizon, identify and provide practical guidance and
a landmark in the field of social pediatrics, in the field of medical (health) and social (social)
care and responsibility towards children and for children, and offers thoroughly review and
address specific moral dilemmas pediatric practice in a comprehensive horizon that combines
cultural, social, scientific and ethical perspective.
The expected contribution of the work is the ability to grasp and therefore the action in the
direction of not only theoretical but also practical considerations caring action. When we talk
about how to care is no longer a way of thinking, nor solely on the manner of speech of
concern, it is that we think it is a concern that makes us alone, it is a way of being ourselves.
We do not care, we are concern, and without it we are not people. Get out of yourself, out of
your cramped, narrow-mindedness, parohizma, come ultimately from their selfishness and see
themselves as part of humanity and in that way to act is the defense of egoism and acting in
the direction of the Other.
It is important, therefore, to emphasize innovation work in view of the above methodological
approach and the substrate, due to the unification paradigm, because the work process and are
opening for the first time and to systematically consider issues of concern, care and
responsibility for the child and with the philosophical and ethical aspects, and with regard to
contributions for its practical application to the social level of responsibility and the
implementation of the social system.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
skrb, briga, dijete, odgovornost, konzumerizam, neoliberalna paradigma,
komodifikacija, obrazovni sustav, zdravstveni sustav, etika skrbi, dječji rad, djeca vojnici,
ideja djetinjstva, integrativna bioetika |
Subjects: |
Philosophy |
Departments: |
Department of Philosophy |
Supervisor: |
Jurić, Hrvoje |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij filozofije |
Date Deposited: |
04 Jan 2018 09:27 |
Last Modified: |
04 Jan 2018 09:27 |
URI: | |
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