Barbarić, Ana.
FRBR entity expression : from theory to practical application.
In: 12. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture, 26. - 28- studenoga 2008., Poreč.
After publication of the IFLA study entitled Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records - FRBR, a significant number of cataloguing experts commented on the too broad definition of the entity expression together with the problems caused by such definition. These reasons prompted the FRBR Review Group to publish in 2007 the amendment to the original 1998 text of the study with certain changes in the definition of the foregoing entity. The paper provides a comparison between the revised and the original text. It also gives an overview of the theoretical background of the entity expression as well as related terms that were used in the similar context prior to publication of FRBR. In view of the projects aimed to "frbrization" of library catalogues, an attempt will be made to indicate on FictionFinder as the chosen model the possibilities of practiacal application of bith entity expression and the whole FRBR model.
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