Rogulja, Nataša.
The development of multimedia instructional message for the programming language Logo.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti)
[mentor Lauc, Tomislava and Bakić-Tomić, Ljubica].
The title of this dissertation is Development of multimedia instructional message for the
Logo programming language. Logo is a high-level programming language of third generation
created in 1966 by the authors Seymour Papert, Wally Feurzeig and Danny Bobrow (Papert,
S., 1983). The constructivist nature of the Logo language stems from the cognitive learning
theory and is based on the 'turtle' principle, i.e. on the auxiliary object in the shape of a
graphic pointer which manages basic movement operations as defined by the parameters of
programming commands. Most studies of the Logo language focused on the development of
cognitive abilities among younger pupils. Few studies were focused on university students
(Lee, M. O. C., 1991; Fay, A. L. & Mayer, R. E., 1994) and even fewer on future computer
science teachers.
The aim of this research was to examine the effectiveness of the multimedia
instructional message for the Logo programming language (MIPL) among future elementary
school teachers (specifically majoring in computer science). For this purpose educational
content was created, which included the basic concepts from nine selected teaching units in
Logo programming. The content in the form of a multimedia instructional message was based
on eight fundamental principles (multimedia principle, spatial contiguity principle, temporal
contiguity principle, coherence principle, modality principle, redundancy principle,
individual differences principle and signaling principle), one advanced principle (animation
and interactivity principle) of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (control group)
and the broadened decomposition principle of the Cognitive Process Model of Multimodal
Comprehension (experimental group). Retention and transfer tests were used in the study with
the aim of examining the differences in students’ retention and understanding of the
educational content in the form of a multimedia instructional message.
The thesis examines the validity of the following three hypotheses:
(H1) When solving a set of objective type tasks, which examine content retention and
comprehension, students using the multimedia instructional message with the application of
the decomposition principle shall accomplish better results than those using the multimedia
instructional message without this principle.
(H2) When the content output for a set of objective type tasks is geometrical type of
data, students using the multimedia instructional message with the decomposition principle
shall achieve better results in content retention and comprehension than students using the
multimedia instructional message without the said principle. (H3) When the content output for a set of objective type tasks is non-geometrical type
of data, students using the multimedia instructional message with the decomposition principle
shall achieve better results in content retention and comprehension than students using the
multimedia instructional message without the said principle.
The subjects were third, fourth and fifth year students studying at the Faculty of Teacher
Education of the University of Zagreb. Research was conducted on a non-random sample
consisting of 98 students, future elementary school teachers majoring in computer science,
with 45 subjects in Zagreb and 53 in Čakovec. The control group consisted of 48 and the
experimental group of 50 subjects. Within the scope of the research the experimental method
with parallel group was applied. The experimental program ran throughout the course of four
weeks in the winter semester of 2015/2016. In the first week the initial lesson took place,
during which the pre-test was administered with the aim of gathering basic information about
the subjects. This was followed by three weeks of experimental program. The overall
participation of the students throughout the four weeks amounted to 160 minutes.
During the course of the three weeks no statistically significant differences between the
control and the experimental group were found with regard to retention and transfer tests, so
that the first hypothesis (H1) was not corroborated. The additionally applied decomposition
principle did not contribute to improved retention and transfer of the content of the
multimedia instructional message in relation to both the geometrical (first and second week)
and non-geometrical (third week) data output, leading to the rejection of the second (H2) and
the third (H3) hypothesis. During the first two weeks of the study fifth-year students
accomplished a lower score than third- and fourth-year students in content retention tasks.
There were no statistically significant differences between third- and fourth-year students in
this respect. It can be concluded that the level of prior knowledge in mathematics and logic
pertaining to geometric angles, shapes (parallelogram, rhombus) and planes (cube) among
third- and fourth-year students in the survey was greater than that of fifth-year students.
Limited prior knowledge made the process of cognitive association between program
command parameters (moves and rotation angles) and corresponding visual representations of
the turtle’s movement difficult, resulting in an inability to follow the program presentation, as
well as program reading and writing. In order to be able to follow the program presentation in
the form of mental simulation (Sorva, J., 2012), one needed a certain level of prior knowledge
in geometry, which would lead to the generation of a mental model of the program concept
(commands and structures) presented. However, it is assumed that instead of investing most
of their cognitive capacities into program concepts, the subjects used them to grasp the geometry content section. For this reason it was not possible to adequately examine the effect
of the decomposition principle on content retention and comprehension, i.e. to examine the
acquired programming skills. In addition, the decomposition principle, which was applied to
the programming section of the content in the experiment group, may have been an adverse
factor in the learning process as it presented an additional essential cognitive load for the
students’ working memory. This is confirmed by the subjects’ reports of self-estimated high
mental effort. In the third week of the study a very low level of task-solving success and a
very high level of self-estimated mental effort were observed in all subjects in both the control
and the experimental group. This is attributed to limited prior knowledge in logic (abstract
content of the message), unsuccessful generation of mental models in the first two tasks or the
use of pre-existing non-viable mental models of program concepts acquired in previous
education and built on misconceptions. As confirmed by other studies, this resulted in
difficulties with following the program presentation (Kaczmarczyk, L. C. et al., 2010, Simon,
2011), inaccurate reading of the program and writing of unproductive and non-functional
programs (Sorva, J., 2012).
In the third week of the survey MIPL content included the following programming
concepts: variable, MAKE command for the association of numerical values or sets of sign
variables, and program structures of WHILE and FOR loops. Given that these concepts are
considered the most complex (Dehnadi, S. & Bornat, R., 2006; Kaczmarczyk, L. C. et al.,
2010; Sorva, J., 2012), students possibly had non-viable or non-existent mental models from
previous education.
As the subjects’ prior knowledge in geometry and the level of developed spatial abilities
did not match the expected level in this study, results (uncorroborated research hypotheses)
suggest the importance of checking subjects’ prior knowledge before conducting future
studies. Possible general reasons for such results could be found in the problems students face
in the programming process: insufficient mathematical and logical prior knowledge (Byrne, P.
& Lyons, G., 2001; Caspersen, M. E., 2007), as well as logical thinking abilities and the
development of viable mental models (Bergin, S. & Reilly, R., 2006, according to: Caspersen,
M. E., 2007, pg. 56-58).
Subject responses to categorized questions showed that 91,8% of them never
encountered this kind of multimedia content for the development of programming skills, and
70% of them reported they liked this way of learning how to program. According to control
and experimental group participants, this way of learning is attractive because it is different,
useful, new, motivating, interesting in its content and learning style, and is not boring or dry. Students pointed out the elements of MIPL they found important: (1) digital way of
presenting information as opposed to traditional presentation, for its visual and aural
demonstration accompanied by speech; (2) possibility of setting one's own learning pace
owing to content interactivity; (3) content structure with examples in the order of complexity
from simple to more complex, i.e. a gradual, step-by-step teaching approach; (4) detailed
analysis of each procedure and task; (5) possibility to visualize and memorize information
more easily; (6) an overview of theoretical part of the content supported by additional
explanations in speech and specific examples with a simultaneous display of results; (7)
possibility of self-assessment through independent task-solving; (8) enough time at disposal
for new concept acquisition; (9) coherence of content and ease of visual perception; (10) ease
of content access, support to traditional teaching and the possibility of applying the content
beyond the classroom activities.
According to responses of subjects from both the control and the experimental group,
the content of MIPL can be improved by the following: (1) clearer and more detailed
instructions with an addition of more textual definitions and content during task explanation
to prevent vagueness of subject matter; (2) additional programming tasks, short tests and
practice examples during the learning process, accompanied by feedback; (3) additional
visuals and animations to facilitate the visualization and turtle movement (control group) and
emphasize the spoken elements (experimental group); (4) introduction of explanatory videos
for concepts with a step-by-step approach; (5) introduction of teacher oral presentations to
facilitate student comprehension of the task-solving principle.
The subjects confirmed the conclusions of numerous previous studies, namely that the
degree of their active participation when dealing with visual content is more important than
the content presentation method or the representational aspect of visualization (Naps, T. L. et
al., 2002; Rapp, D. N., 2005; de Koning, B. B. et al., 2011). Given that the effectiveness of
visual cues depends on the level of cognitive effort invested in the processes relevant to
meaningful knowledge acquisition (Mayer, R. E., 2008), adding the complete animation
principles of flexibility and interactivity to the decomposition principle might improve the
learning process even with students’ limited prior knowledge of geometry. In line with
previous studies (Rias, R. M. & Zaman, H. B., 2013), the majority of subjects in both groups
reported that all the visual and verbal advantages of multimedia content could not replace oral
presentation and guidance by the teacher.
Scientific contribution of this thesis is the creation and development of the multimedia
instructional message for the Logo programming language for future computer science teachers, which brings together the cognitive and the programming-didactical aspect. This is
the first thesis which presents the development and application of the multimedia instructional
message as an auxiliary cognitive tool for learning the basic concepts of Logo programming
language, based on empirically confirmed principles of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia
Learning (Mayer, R. E., 2001, 2005, 2014a), as well as the additional decomposition principle
from the field of algorithms and data structures, defined according to the model of Cognitive
Process Model of Multimodal Comprehension (Narayanan, N. H. & Hegarty, M., 2002). The
aspect of the multimedia instructional message for the Logo programming language
pertaining to programming methodology can serve as a self-assessment tool for future
teachers when testing their knowledge of logic, mathematics and computer science for the
topics they will be covering in their teaching.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Logo programming language, turtle geometry, procedural programming,
cognitive theory of multimedia learning, multimedia instructional message, instructional
design, cognitive process model of multimodal comprehension, decomposition principle,
cognitive load theory, extraneous, essential and generative processing |
Subjects: |
Information sciences > Social-humanistic informatics |
Departments: |
Department of Information Science |
Supervisor: |
Lauc, Tomislava and Bakić-Tomić, Ljubica |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti |
Date Deposited: |
26 Feb 2018 14:41 |
Last Modified: |
26 Feb 2018 14:41 |
URI: | |
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