Penzar, Marija.
Dostupnost elektroničkih verzija tiskanih časopisa na njemačkom jeziku u Knjižnici Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i knjižnici Goethe instituta Kroatien.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Information Science.
[mentor Živković, Daniela].
Scientific journals are the most important form of formal scientific communication. The first scientific journals appeared in the 17th century and they were published only as print journals. In the 20th century, journals started to be published in electronic form as well. Open access was defined in 2002. Open access journals are available to all users for free and without registration. Academic libraries acquire journals both in print and in electronic form. The results of a survey conducted on 14 journals in German language, which are available as print journals in the Library of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and in the library of the Goethe institut Kroatien, showed that open access is still not accepted as the main way of publishing. Five journals are available in open access and nine journals are not. The majority of journals is available to registered users and subscribers. Open access should be even more promoted in order to make scientific information available to all as soon as possible, which is important for the development of science.
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