Jug, Kristina.
Anonymous kajkavian drama adaptation at the end of 18th and beginning of the 19th century in Croatian literature and culture.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij hrvatske kulture)
[mentor Jembrih, Alojz].
Dissertation Anonymous Kajkavian Dramatic Adaptations at the End of 18th and Beginning of
the 19th Century in Croatian Literature and Culture analyses handwritten dramas available
today, then it systemizes and completes perceptions of corpus which arose in period from 1791
to 1834 for necessities of school theatre at Kaptol Roman-Catholic Preparatory. The title
Anonymous Kajkavian Drama implicates the texts corpus, handwritten and printed, whereof
the author’s name was not mentioned. Since until now there hasn’t been any systematic
interpretation of these sources, dissertation enables more coherent insight to this theme for
present-day reader. Dissertation systematizes sources of older kajkavian drama written for
preparatory school theatre and it shows importance of integration of this corpus into Croatian
literary historiography as the participant of Croatian culture. Also, there are presented and
analyzed for the first time particular written works, the new texts’ readings are introduced,
repertory tabular illustrations are shown as well as the developmental track of preparatory
school theatre, so in that way it enables modern reader to form more coherent picture of older
Croatian literature.
In the research were used following methods: analysis of genuine archived dramas’ writings
and comparison with dramatic patterns in German language. Earlier researches that treated
these sources are analyzed and completed in the dissertation. The work observes
interdisciplinary the theme from various scientific aspects: literary, dramaturgical,
comparatively, linguistic and literary-historical.
In the introductory part the theme and the research motivation are explained, the methodology
used in research is stated, then the review of former researches is presented. August Šenoa
(1838-1881) was the first one who in his text “Croatian Dramatic Plays in Zagreb at the
Beginning of this Century“ (1879) mentioned two dramatic adaptations from corpus of
anonymous kajkavian dramatic adaptations meant for performance on a school stage of Kaptol
theatre. Then, Đuro Šurmin (1867-1937) wrote about few kajkavian dramatic adaptations in
“Gleaning of Kajkavian Literature“ in magazine Vienac (1894). Literary historiography in
early 20th century describes this corpus as of lesser esthetic values and mostly omits it from
relevant literary historical reviews. The first work which had embraced almost whole corpus
of dramas and started to discuss about this dramatic creativity, was the work of Nikola Andrić
(1867-1942) Sources of Old Kajkavian Dramas (1901). Nikola Andrić gives the first critical
study of these dramatic texts, partially he lists them and he places them into the same group of so-called Kajkavian–Illyrian Circle which today, for its poetic features, is separated from
entirety of seminary school drama. Besides, Nikola Andrić spiced the survey of older kajkavian
drama corpus with negative critique lacking the analysis and interpretation. Vladimir Gudel
(1869-1942) is the following researcher of those sources, but he also followed a practice of
negative critique of this corpus. Also, Antonija Kassowitz-Cvijić (1865-1936) and Franjo
Fancev (1882-1943) gave certain contributions this theme. Olga Šojat (1908-1997) applied
systematic analytical approach in the analysis of school preparatory drama and she gave
significant research contributions in attempts to discover authorship of single dramas and to
discover patterns wherefrom the kajkavian texts emerged. Along with valuable contributions
of Slavko Batušić (1902-1979), Branko Hećimović and Dunja Fališevac, the most important
work on this theme is the one of Nikola Batušić (1938-2010). With his study Older Kajkavian
Drama (2002), which represents the major work on connoisseurship of this dramatic corpus,
starts more earnest interest and analytical reading of anonymous kajkavian dramatic
adaptations, then attempts of more coherent critical evaluation. In more recent time the whole
corpus is comprehended more objectively, thanks to work of Alojz Jembrih and Ivan Cesarec
who for today’s reader ensured the access to old texts in contemporary graphics.
The second chapter of dissertation places the older kajkavian drama performed on stage of
seminary theatre into social-historical and literary context. Extremely bad social situation on
the Croatian extents was shown by displaying the authority of Maria Theresa (1717-1780) and
Joseph II (1741-1790) in the course of absolutistic policy. Disunion of Croatian regions led to
culture negligence, and particularly to books indolence. Social-historical conditions led to
illiteracy of nation and to language disregard. Furthermore, dissertation shows strife for
common language which initiated Maksimilijan Vrhovac (1752-1827), the bishop of Zagreb,
and also his efforts for cultural endeavors in people’s interest. Bishop Vrhovac founded the
printing-house, put up the sumptuous personal book collection and he was interested in
linguistic issues, then he was the most outstanding activist for Croats’ culture of that era. But
his attempts, as shown in this dissertation chapter, were condemned by conservative opponents.
In the second chapter the brief review of Croatian literature of the 18th century is given, aiming
to show literary activity based mostly on translations, adaptations, or following prior poetics.
In such a literary context, which may be defined most accurately by concept of stylish
pluralism, emerged the kajkavian dramatic adaptations at Kaptol preparatory. By selection of
exemplary ethic-didactic dramas, which corresponded to spirit of the era, professors constructed the theatre of distinctive poetics for their school-stage in school seminary theatre
and they elevated the culture level in city of Zagreb. Also, they wanted to approach the public
by kajkavian standard language and to encourage it for proper growth in enlightenment
prospect. The second chapter comes to conclusion that anonymous dramatic adaptations had a
role in formation of cultural life of north Croatia at end of the 18th and in early 19th century.
The third dissertation’s chapter defines the concept of school theatre and it gives the review of
school theatres activity led by ecclesiastic orders: Jesuits, Paulists and Franciscans. First of all,
it explores situation in Zagreb, but it also borders on the area of Slavonia and partially South
Croatia. Going into specifics, the poetics of Jesuitical school drama in Zagreb is shown, in
order to recognize the differences with less difficulty later, compared to school seminary
After that, follows the analysis of theater life in neighboring countries: Serbia, Slovenia and
Hungary for the purpose of proving the coexistence of moralistically dramatic adaptations
throughout the Europe. By this comparative analysis is proven that professors and students in
school theatres on Croatian soil followed the most current European enlightening trends from
German and Austrian enlightenment and so cultivated international literary impact. In addition,
by this analysis is proven that kajkavian dramatic adaptations followed didactic-moralistic
poetics of European dramatic developments. Moreover, since on Dubrovnik area have appeared
similar dramatic-translators’ work, it shows that Croatian literal historiography assessed in
various ways the similar literary appearances on north and on south of Croatia.
Follows the part of text about popularity of August von Kotzebue (1761-1819), the most
translated dramatist on school seminary stage in Zagreb, wherein is proven how much
professors in preparatory where on top of modern dramatic movements of their time. The
conclusive part of the chapter will summarize positive, but also negative, consequences which
practice of school theatre had on Croatian culture and on course of professional Croatian
theatre’s development.
The fourth chapter of work represents the most important and the most detailed part of doctoral
dissertation. In the introductory part of chapter is defined the concept of dramatic adaptation
and localization as specific dramatic phenomenon in the 18th century in theatre of Central
Europe. Then, there is discussion about number of dramas which appeared in repertory of
school seminary theatre and there is presented the list of dramatic texts that were performed.In continuation of the text is presented a problem of negative critiques and assessments of this
repertory which were decisive in its marginalization. Also, there is given the survey of few
positive approaches to single dramas which were set into the anthologies. Follows the survey
of terminological issues related to this dramatic corpus, then whole corpus thematic and genre
Follows the most ample part of dissertation dealing with detailed analysis of twelve dramas
and, based on this analysis and new readings, it presents the poetic features of this dramatic
creativity. In dissertation the dramas are analyzed by chronologic order of performances on
stage of seminary theatre: Kukolj med pšenicum iliti Bogoslužnost i skazlivost (1794),
Velikovečnik /Vernost službe je cena človeka (1794), Vitezovič i njegov sin (1796), Papiga iliti
Krepost gde ne štima sreču včini (1797), Dužnost službe (1798), Kaj je preveč ne ni z kruhom
dobro (1799), Ljudih merzenje i detinska pokora (1800), Čini barona Tamburlana (1801),
Mislibolesnik iliti Hipokondrijakuš (1803), Nije vsaki cepeliš na vsaku nogu iliti Navade
velikeh varašov nisu prikladne malem (1804), Poslenovič i njegovi sini (1809) and Veseli
Fricek (1826). For each drama the philological-historical data from handwritten sources are
presented, then critical survey of earlier researches’ results, detailed dramas’contents, detailed
analysis of dramatic personages, elements of humor, particular specific qualities of defined
dramas and comparison analysis of kajkavian dramas with German patterns. Each of poetic
features is presented in separate part of chapter with numerous examples from handwritten and
printed texts. Dissertation presents poetic features of dramatic adaptations of seminary theatre:
didacticism as component of dramatic structure, dualism of title, symbolic of names of dramatic
personages, prefaces, salutations, partings and ends of dramas functioning as accentuation of
didactical lesson, component of middle-class sentimentalism and scenes of weepiness,
narrative character in long monologues and elements of oral-literary tradition. Furthermore, the
language and the style of dramatic texts are analyzed, then examples of graphic solutions are
The fifth chapter of dissertation deals with dramas’ performance on seminary theatre school
stage and it systemizes theatrological comprehensions of scene and dramaturgy. The stages are
described whereon the clerics played dramas: stage in preparatory and bishop residence.
Amadéo theatre which performed plays of German travelling actors’ groups is presented, too.
Dissertation in its continuation deals with question of a role of German theatre in culture of
Zagreb since it had performed three kajkavian dramas, also. Likewise, it is discussed about importance of Amadéo theatre activity whose work created a coexistence of two theatrical
scenes in Zagreb of that time. In this chapter is discussed about mutual repertories’ influence
between preparatory on Kaptol and Royal Noble Convict and Amadéo theatre.
The time survey of performed plays is presented, then dissertation brings new data which
modifies former understandings. To wit, it is proven that performances of dramatic adaptations
on Kaptol school seminary stage were not performed only during the last three days of Carnival.
Follows the analysis of scene and costume features, based on handwritten patterns of dramas
studies. Moreover, the directors (professors) which worked on productions are listed, as well
as names of actors (students) which performed the plays. Also, to scientific public are presented
for the first time the data on single actors–Clerics which participated in plays performances. At
the end of chapter is discussed about theater spectators and specifics of school seminary theatre
since it has been partially closed for citizens. But, regardless restraints towards the public, the
chapter draws the conclusion that seminary scene also influenced the citizens’ consciousness
of theatrical culture rising in Zagreb. Chapter is concluded with unit on bishop Maksimilijan
Vrhovac, the founder and patron of the arts of Kaptol school theatre, then about his work on
theatre issues and struggle for theater premises in Zagreb.
The sixth chapter of dissertation deals with woman figure in kajkavian dramatic adaptations
performed on stage of school seminary theatre. Masculinisation of texts is shown as the method
leading to absence of female personages on stage of school seminary theatre. It is discussed
about reasons that led to such a state and which consequences it had for the performing side of
play itself. Moreover, the answer is given to question on what was the role of female personages
in the structure of kajkavian dramatic texts, since female personages were sometimes indirectly
present in the text. In other words, it was spoken about women, but they were not present on
stage. Most often they communicated with other personages through letters, therefore in
dissertation such one letter is analyzed, then is obtained a picture of woman indirectly idealized
on school seminary stage. The conclusion is rendered that such a practice of retaining the
female personages in text functions as accentuation of dramas’ didactic element. At the end of
chapter there are analyzed in details four dramas that were written in school seminary drama
poetics, and they retain female personages: Ljubomirovič ili Prijatel pravi (1821), Hervati vu
Zadru (1822), Rodbinstvo (1822) and Predsud zverhu stališa i roda (1830). Attention in the
analysis is devoted to female dramatic personages and conclusion is proven that female personages in these dramas were kept only functioning as reinforcement of masculine
personages’ position or character features.
The last text unit draws the conclusion of dissertation and thesis’ proofs. The seventh chapter
of dissertation gives answer to question why anonymous kajkavian dramatic adaptations,
despite some research endeavors, are still isolated in Croatian literary historiography. Besides,
the reasons which led to obstruction of integration of this corpus into Croatian literature are
presented, and they are linked to social-historical context. The conclusive part of dissertation
proves that anonymous kajkavian dramatic adaptations represent important segment in
literature of north Croatia in late 18th and early 19th century and that they are inseparable part
of older Croatian literature. Also, it is discussed about continuity of theater activity in Kaptol
seminary theatre and how much it is significant for education of theater public through which
it had partial impact on formation of culture prerequisites for national theatre.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
anonimna kajkavska drama, dramske adaptacije, školsko kazalište, sjemenište na Kaptolu,
zagrebački biskup Maksimilijan Vrhovac, didaktično kazalište, moralno-didaktični cilj
predstava, kajkavska književnost, prosvjetiteljstvo, građanska drama, njemački dramski izvori |
Subjects: |
Slavic languages and literatures > Croatian language and literature |
Departments: |
Department of Croatian Language and Literature |
Supervisor: |
Jembrih, Alojz |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij hrvatske kulture |
Date Deposited: |
01 Mar 2018 13:26 |
Last Modified: |
01 Mar 2018 13:26 |
URI: |
http://darhiv.ffzg.unizg.hr/id/eprint/9641 |
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