Seiwerth, Nikola.
Između Promenade i Trešnjevke. Zagrebačka svakodnevica krajem 19. i na početku 20. stoljeća.
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History.
[mentor Strecha, Mario].
The everyday life of Zagreb on the turn of the 19th Century is defined with the processes of modernization and urbanization. Those processes provided the necessary base for the development of the rich and colorful everyday life in the Croatian capital. Its importance in the historical studies is in finding out how the inhabitants of the town lived their lives, in the fin de siécle epoch, making their own lifestyle by copying the lifestyles of Vienna, Budapest, Paris and London, making its own mixture, and producing what is today known as the most cultural and imaginative towns period. However, the city didn't have only high-cultured and rich inhabitants but also those on the other side of the social scale, who didn't have any direct impact on the everyday life and culture of the high classed bourgeois Zagreb. Their everyday life is described in few pictures, which should help the perception of the two-faced town, which lived the colorful and wealthy life because of those who almost didn't had any life, beyond their job.
Zagreb from 1890 till 1914 was at its peak of modernisation, cultural and easy-living, becoming a middleuropean city. Its peak came to an abrupt end with the beginn of the First World Ward, which ended not only the comfortable life of the city but also wiped the whole Austro-hungarian Monarchy from the maps, leaving Zagreb in an new and unfamiliar environment.
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