Cvetko, Matej.
Međimurje u Drugom svjetskom ratu i poraću (1944. – 1946.).
Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History.
[mentor Hutinec, Goran].
Međimurje has always been a disputed zone between the Croatian an Hungarian. Although it was a part of Croatian territory, Hungary claimed they had historical claim to it. First real chance for Hungarian to take Međimurje back was when World War II began. Hungary managed to anex Međimurje in 1941. and thus began the 4 year long opression of Međimurje. In those 4 years Hungarian fought for Međimurje with NDH, a newly formed German puppet state, and later, around 1943. against partisans. Partisans were a guerilla groups formed by the new political option, the Comunist party led by Maršal Tito. Their intentions were clear about taking Međimurje back and through number of big and small battles, aided by Soviets and Bulgarian, they managed to snatch Međimurje back as the war was ending. As military occupation was out of the question, so seamly democratic elections were held. The Comunist party got most of the votes, although this was as i said, seamly democratic, because they were the only political option, except abstaining or a list without a name.
After winnig the elections they had a lot of work to do in the years to come. The war coused a lot of problems regarding the infrastructure of Međimurje. A lot of factories were demolished, production halted and their owners banished from the country. Healthcare system, education an commerce were barely functioning. A lot of efforts were directed towards securing an interrupted funcion of precisely those systems.
There were also a lot of public enemies still around with whom the new authorities had to deal with. A lot of them were indicted and charged with working against the NOB during the war. They were sentenced either to remain in prison for a number of years, depending mostly on the crime they comited, or shot immediately. A lot of people were also indicted although they didn't aid the enemy during the war. Reason for that was mostly political. Međimurje went through a lot off changes during World War II. It was subjected to a lot of different goverments a therefor a lot of different treatments. At the end of the war in came out pretty damaged, both psychologicaly and physically. The new goverment managed to repair some of the damage and restore a somewhat identical situation to the one before the war.
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