Žitko, Pavao.
Karl Jaspers reads Cusanus. Interpretative assumptions and theoretical
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Philosophy.
(Dottorato internazionale cotutella di tesi. Scienze umane, 19. c.)
[mentor Moschini, Marco and Veljak, Lino].
The purpose of this work is to analyze the philosophical and existential
interpretation of Nicholas of Cusa with the intent to contribute to the study of certain
aspects of Karl Jaspers' speculative thought. He has always been opened to dialogue
with the great historical metaphysics that reflected on the first principle of existence.
The name that is largely different from the other 'great' metaphysicians who influenced
the development of theoretical presuppositions of the philosophy of existence (Plotinus,
Spinoza, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides and Anselm), is exactly the Cusa's one.
According to Jaspers, his life was marked by the constant and mutual influence of the
contemplative element and his constant commitment to some practical aspects of his
service to the Catholic Church as an institution.
In the rich critical literature on Jaspers' work, there are only two papers focused
on the impact of the presence of Cusa on the development of his philosophical points of
view; the first one - R. Wisser, «Nikolaus Cusanus them 'lebendigen Spiegel der
Philosophie von Karl Jaspers» , - was necessary immediately after the publication of 342
the monograph K. Jaspers, Nikolaus Cusanus (1964) that led to certain criticism on 343
its chronological and philological character. Wisser defends the speculative nature of
Jaspers' work emphasizing its basic intention – modernization of theoretical thinking of
Cusa in accordance with the terms and hermeneutic way of modern understanding of reality. «No one is that objective in front of the text that he is interested in, to become
immune to the threat to be intellectually involved in its message or to begin to cultivate
a certain sympathy for its author, beyond the necessary rigorous approach to the
topic» - notes Wisser. 344
After more than four decades, another contribution to the exploration of the
relationship Jaspers - Cusa was published: Bocken, I., «Der Kampf um Kommunikation.
Karl Jaspers' existentielle Cusanus-Lektüre», (2005) . The author accepts the Wisser's 345
thesis on the a-polemic character of Jaspers' thought in order to develop an open and
f r u i t f u l d i a l o g u e w i t h t h e h i s t o r i c a l f i g u r e o f C u s a , b y
'understanding' (Vergegenwärtigen) and 'comprehending' (Aneignen) the metaphysical 346
content of his work. The specificity of the Jaspers' interpretation can be understood as
hermeneutical actualization of platonic and augustinian tradition in modern categories
of thought. The absence of other critical literature on this thematic framework
legitimized the intention to start the doctoral research on the impact of Cusa on
speculative development of Jaspers' philosophy of existence, at the University of
Perugia (Italy) and the University of Zagreb (Croatia), in Kligenthal (France) and
Marbach (Germany).
An additional reason for this research was the fact that the presence of Cusa in
Jaspers' work may be understood as an indicator of the metaphysical degree of his
thought. The first part of this paper analyzes the progressive escalation of Jaspers' ontology, starting from his first extremely scientific topics to his full openness to the
ontological issues in his late production.
In this gradual stepping toward the metaphysical awareness of philosophical
problems, and in the gradual acceptance of non-contaminated metaphysical expression
(e.g., God, faith), Cusa was becoming increasingly present: starting from the second
edition of Psychologie der Weltanschauung (1922) with its philosophical integration of
the scientific content, through the metaphysical transfiguration of 'created' in the fourth
edition of the Allgemeine Psychopathologie (1946), up to God as non aliud in Der
philosophische Glaube angesichts der Offenbarung (1962), followed by the publication
of monograph on Cusanus, as separate part of Die Grossen Philosophen, 1957.
One of the most important thesis in the first part of this paper is the affirmation
of the Jaspers' gradually opening to the ontological questions. This vision of the
ontological profile development of the philosophy of existence explains the context that
led to the interpretation of Cusa as the great metaphysician. Through the analysis of
Jaspers' first three monumental works and after the examination of his later
philosophical achievements, it was concluded that Jaspers had systematically worked on
the questioning of the empirical objective level of thought for the proper historical
manifestation of Transcendence understanding. Jaspers comprehended history as the
modality through which the transcendent is concretized by the temporal categories of
human perception.
The motives of Cusa's particular differentiation from other metaphysicians of his
ontological profile was analyzed in the second part of this study. After examination of
some biographical elements and his spiritual and contemplative activities, it became evident that the result of this research was compatible with the original Jaspers' criteria:
Cusanus constantly kept together the practical and the contemplative instance in every
period of his life.
This fact in Jaspers' interpretation has been risen to the ontological level of
manifestation of Being in the process of the maturating self-consciousness of existence
in its temporal limits. It has been proved on basis of some idealistic elements of Jaspers'
Existenzphilosophie and its platonian and augustinian characteristics in the second part
of this work, in accordance with the organic structure of the Cardinal's thoughts.
The importance of this Jaspers' interpretation of some practical instances as
significant biographical elements in his work on Von Kues is in his revaluation of some
philosophical aspects of human experience in order to indicate its ontological ulteriority.
The highest philosophical Jaspers' request is an invitation to genuine test of existence in
accordance with the First principle of thought. The work on Cusanus has to be
understood as a memory of the effective possibility of leading a full and self-realized
life. His acceptance of the world in its diversity and his willingness to act in the field of
complex empirical complexity, contribute to the diversification of his metaphysics from
eremitical rejection of the world in its concreteness.
The third part of this paper consists of German transcript, then the Italian
translation and detailed theoretical analysis of five unpublished manuscript pages of the
monograph Nik. Cus., consulted in Deutsches Literaturs Archive in Marbach. These
materials were analyzed during my stay in Germany in collaboration with dr. sc. Dirk
Fonfara. The photocopies of these five pages are included in the
«Appendix» (Appendice) of this work, and their importance is in the clear demonstration of Jaspers' intention to present the problem of 'truth' in very synthetic
way. In fact, Jaspers had already recognized the decisive role of the concept of
'Truth' (Wirklichkeit) for the consistent expression of ontological thought, with his
publication Von der Wahrheit. One of the important contributions of this paper is the
clarification of the motives that led to the exclusion of these five pages from the final
version of the text.
These separated materials are preparatory and synthetic notes on the problem of
'truth', understood by Jaspers as the central concept of authentic speculative thought. A
detailed examination of correspondence Jaspers-Piper is also added here in order to find
the reasons of the separate publication of the monograph on Cusanus in 1964. The
conclusion is the following: the decision to postpone the publication of this part of Die
grossen Philosophen, dedicated to Cusanus and to exclude it from the first German
edition of this work was motivated by the external elements, related to its publishing history.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Subjects: |
Philosophy |
Departments: |
Department of Philosophy |
Supervisor: |
Moschini, Marco and Veljak, Lino |
Additional Information: |
Dottorato internazionale cotutella di tesi. Scienze umane, 19. c. |
Date Deposited: |
04 May 2018 09:48 |
Last Modified: |
04 May 2018 09:48 |
URI: |
http://darhiv.ffzg.unizg.hr/id/eprint/9984 |
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