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Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
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Number of items: 23.

Diploma Thesis

Šćuric, Lucija. (2018). Brazil od preseljenja portugalskog dvora u Rio de Janeiro do stjecanja neovisnosti. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of History. [mentor Jakovina, Tvrtko and Brala, Želimir].

Baričić, Doris. (2018). A análise comparativa das primeiras gramáticas e das gramáticas contemporâneas da língua portuguesa com o enfoque no infinitivo flexionado. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Mandić, Eva. (2018). O Estado Novo em Portugal. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Šare, Ema. (2018). Antónia Pusich : uma escritora luso-croata. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Šakota, Irena. (2018). As identidades culturais portuguesa e brasileira manifestadas nas diferenças lexicais. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Kozjak, Marija. (2018). O rei Sebastião de Portugal e o sebastianismo. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Martinović, Ana. (2018). O mundo dos irmãos Seljan, exploradores croatas do século XX. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Markulin, Dinka. (2018). A diversidade linguística de Moçambique. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Grgić, Rozalia. (2017). Eça de Queirós e a gastronomia. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Buljat, Marko. (2017). O valor estilístico do artigo definido com antropónimos no português contemporâneo. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Bunić, Barbara. (2017). O fado – um fenómeno da cultura portuguesa Fado – fenomen portugalske kulture. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Kirinić, Bruno Robert. (2017). A formação da nação brasileira. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Galić, Ivana. (2017). As formas de tratamento no romance Terras do Sem Fim de Jorge Amado. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Bunić, Barbara. (2017). O fado – um fenómeno da cultura portuguesa. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

De Castro Burica, Antonia. (2016). Os arabismos na língua portuguesa. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Valjalo, Ivana. (2015). A influência árabe na língua e na cultura portuguesas. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Nikšić, Dragana. (2015). A ideia e a realização de Brasília, capital nova do Brasil. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Pančevski, Elen. (2014). O carnaval, a música e o futebol – componentes da identidade cultural brasileira. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Matković Mikulčić, Nika. (2014). O Marquês de Pombal – uma figura histórica. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Brizić, Mirna. (2014). A transferência da corte portuguesa para o Brasil em 1808. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Čupić, Nina. (2014). A identidade linguística cabo-verdiana. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Jahić, Tea. (2014). Angola e a luta pela emancipação nacional. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

Đuranović, Zlata. (2013). História e o desenvolvimento do léxico da língua portuguesa. Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Roman Languages and Literature. [mentor Brala, Želimir].

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 01:18:45 2025 CET.