Višnjić Jevtić, Adrijana.
Teachers’ self-evaluation of competence for cooperation with parents.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Pedagogy.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij pedagogije)
[mentor Maleš, Dubravka].
Starting from the changing paradigms of children and childhood, multiple discussions on the
position of the child in contemporary society were instigated with an emphasis on understanding
and respecting children’s perspective, developmental neuroscience, and the perception of the
child as an active participant in one’s own learning. In addition to scientific research,
repositioning of the child was also caused by reflection on children’s rights, especially after the
adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Although childhood was previously in
the focus of the scientific public, the said changes led to a re-examination of the child’s wellbeing
and the importance of learning environment for early childhood children.
Responsibility for providing a stimulating environment for the development and learning of
early and preschool children belongs to adults, i.e. to the community in which children re
growing up. Responsibility is exceptionally large because it presents an intervening in the
context of growing up and a kind of development guidance.
During childhood, children belong to different communities which affect their learning and
development, but it is undeniable that the most important role belongs to their family, followed
by institutions of early and preschool education as the child’s first educational communities.
Institutions of early and preschool education should be considered as a complement to familial
upbringing. Such view on early and preschool education presupposes acknowledgement of
family diversity, respect toward family culture, and understanding of different educational
values, as well as mutual cooperation between families and educational institutions.
Although it is indisputable that a partnership between parents and kindergarten teachers, i.e.
between families and educational institutions, is the most preferred form of cooperative
relationships, reality shows that it is still unavailable to a certain number of institutions.
Therefore, this dissertation will use cooperation as a term denoting the relationship between
parents and kindergarten teachers. Parent-teacher cooperation is defined as a two-way process,
permeated with mutual respect and common goals of parents and teachers in relation to the child.
By assuming that the cooperation between parents and kindergarten teaches is most common
within early childhood and preschool education, that is if it takes place outside the institution
itself then it is most often organized by professionals, professionals – the teachers – should take
over the responsibility for this professional relationship. The success of the educational activity
depends on the teacher’s professional competencies. The professional competencies of the kindergarten teachers can be defined as a combination
of professional competencies and personal qualities of a teacher. Professional competencies are
often identified with the qualifications acquired after the initial education. By reviewing
scientific theories, it is confirmed that the initial education represents only a sort of entrance
ticket to the profession. The competency which becomes important, even fundamental, after that
time is openness to learning. By entering the practice, kindergarten teachers gain new insights
into the child, family, and interaction among all participants of the educational process in the
kindergarten. Contemporary science on early education emphasizes the importance of
individuality of all subjects in upbringing and education, thus confirming the need for constant
re-examination of theories and practices in the work of the kindergarten teachers.
In accordance with the requirements of the teachers’ professional activity in relation to
parents, it is necessary to determine the teachers’ competency for cooperation with parents.
While reviewing available literature, it becomes apparent that the cooperation with parents was
not sufficiently researched, therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was to determine this type
of competency based on available sources. The concept of teachers’ competency for
cooperation with parents is thus defined as the kind of competency which enables the
establishment and retention of satisfactory, professional, and cooperative relationships with
parents of all children involved in an educational institution in order to increase the educational
benefits of early and preschool children. The teachers’ competency for cooperation with parents
is a construct of knowledge (on strategies and techniques for a more effective parental
involvement, various family dynamics and functions, working with parents, constraints which
hinder cooperation, support systems which the society provides to families), skills
(communication, active listening, organization, and cooperation), and attitudes (toward parents
and cooperation with parents).
Starting from the theories on the importance of cooperation between teachers and parents,
the assumption that this is a professional relationship the responsibility for which lies at the
hands of teachers and which presupposes a certain competency, the research problem was
determined related to the research of self-evaluation of the competency for cooperation with
parents. The aim of the research was to determine the teachers’ self-evaluation of the
competency for cooperation with parents and its connection with the education for cooperation
with parents as well as professional experience. With regard to this aim, the following null
hypothesis was set: Hg: There is no statistically significant correlation between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their education for cooperation, age and
professional experience.
Based on the main hypothesis, six sub-hypotheses were produced:
H1: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and the level of their formal education.
H2: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and the teachers’ education in subject with
content related to parent-teacher cooperation.
H3: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their professional development connected
with topics in parent-teacher cooperation.
H4: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their professional advancement.
H5: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their region of working.
H6: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their age.
H7: There is no statistically significant difference between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
their competency for cooperation with parents and their professional experience.
Since education presents a lifelong process involving formal, non-formal, and informal
education, within the hypothesis H1 (There is no positive correlation between the teachers’ selfevaluation
of the competency for cooperation with parents and their education for cooperation
with parents) a correlation has been researched between the teachers’ self-evaluation of
competency for cooperation with parents in relation to teachers’ formal education (the highest
degree of completed formal education, courses including contents related to cooperation with
parents), non-formal education (professional development in the field of cooperation with
parents, vocational advancement), and informal education.
The problem and the purpose of the research were approached by means of quantitative and
qualitative research methods. Given that no instrument which would fit the requirements of this
research was found, a new instrument was devised on the basis of determined key factors of teachers’ competency for cooperation with parents (attitudes toward cooperation with parents
and toward parents; organizational, cooperative, and communication skills, active listening
skills, knowledge of working with parents, knowledge of constraints to working with parents,
knowledge of families, knowledge of ways to involve a parent and knowledge on parenting
support). In order to determine the metric characteristics of the instrument, a preliminary
research was conducted on the sample consisting of 22 % of the respondents in relation to the
supposed sample of the main research. Taking into account the obtained metric characteristics
of the instrument, which corresponded to the purpose and tasks of the research, it was possible
to conduct the main research. The research was conducted from March to April 2017 with the
help of printed questionnaires.
The survey included 600 kindergarten teachers between the ages of 22 and 64 (M =
42.18, SD = 10.67). Teachers who participated in the research have from 1 to 42 years of
professional experience (M = 17.25, SD = 11.58). Research participants evaluated their own
competency for cooperation with parents with the help of questionnaires. Qualitative research
procedures were conducted in April 2017. They included an interview with a total of eight
research participants. With the help of a semi-structured interview, participants provided their
views on cooperation with parents, modalities of cooperation with parents, competencies for
cooperation with parents, and ways of acquiring the competency for cooperation with parents.
The results of the quantitative part of the research have shown that the research
participants’ self-evaluation implies their competence in the field of cooperation with parents.
The results of the quantitative part of the research did not point to the differences in the
individual components of the competency since the respondents evaluated themselves as very
successful in relation to all variables. The results of the qualitative part of the survey have
shown that respondents consider communication skills to be crucial for cooperation with
parents, and that is precisely why those skills are considered significant within the educational
competency for cooperation with parents.
By analysing the correlation between professional experience and the respondents’ selfevaluation
of the competency for cooperation, statistically significant correlation appeared only
in one variable, following a mild statistical link. This leads to the conclusion that there is no
correlation between the teachers’ self-evaluation of the competency for cooperation with
parents and their professional experience.
The research results show that there is a correlation between the teachers’ selfevaluation
of the competency for cooperation with parents and the teachers’ level of education, attending of courses and contents related to the field of cooperation with parents during their
formal education, frequency of teachers’ professional development, and professional
advancement of teachers.
The scientific contribution of this research is visible on several levels. The theoretical
definition of components of the teachers’ competency for cooperation with parents has not yet
been presented in the way as it is presented in this paper, thus it presents the first level of
scientific contribution. Also, no instruments were found for measuring the teachers’ selfevaluation
of the competency for cooperation with parents which would be appropriate to use
in regard to the population of Croatian kindergarten teachers while respecting organizational
and cultural particularities. Therefore, the development of the instrument in this research
represents a second level of scientific contribution. The final level of scientific contribution is
the result of the application of the instrument and research results which have proven that the
development of the competency for cooperation with parents, apart from the theoretical
implementation, also requires a practical implementation.
In addition to the contributions of this research, it should be noted that during the
implementation the shortcomings of the research were noticed. One shortcoming is the nonrepresentability
of the sample in relation to the founder of the institution, and in relation to the
rural, i.e. urban area. Another shortcoming relates to research methods. Although the conducted
research answered the problem and the purpose of the research, certain results require additional
clarifications which cannot be obtained by means of questionnaires. An additional shortcoming
is that this study is a self-evaluation, thus the research does not have an insight into whether the
self-evaluation corresponds to the research participants’ actual competencies. Nevertheless, the
research has provided the basis for possible new research which would address these
shortcomings in its implementation.
With regard to education as the key task of this research, it is understandable that the
results can be used to improve the teachers’ education for cooperation with parents.
Beneficiaries can be higher education institutions that can, based on this research, review the
existing courses in teachers’ education for cooperation with parents, as well as the teaching
itself. Research results can serve as a basis for the development of non-formal programs of
teacher education in the field of cooperation with parents. They can be used as an incentive to
create professional support communities for teachers which would address the issue of
cooperation with parents and the improvement of modalities of cooperation with parents. In the end, the results of this research can serve as a starting point for new research on
the kindergarten teachers’ competency for cooperation with parents.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
competency for cooperation with parents, early childhood institutions, kindergarten teachers, parents |
Subjects: |
Pedagogy |
Departments: |
Department of Pedagogy |
Supervisor: |
Maleš, Dubravka |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij pedagogije |
Date Deposited: |
21 Aug 2018 09:20 |
Last Modified: |
21 Aug 2018 09:20 |
URI: | |
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