Milić, Marija.
The relationship between life goals, functions of autobiographical memory and self-esteem in transition to adulthood.
PhD Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Psychology.
(Poslijediplomski doktorski studij psihologije)
[mentor Vranić, Andrea].
The self-memory system (SMS; Conway and Pleydell-Pearce, 2000) is an extensive and
complex model of autobiographical memory (AM) that consists of two major parts: working
self and autobiographical knowledge base. Autobiographical knowledge base is a memory
storage containing information about who we are, who we were and what we might become
(Conway, 2005). The working self consists of a set of active personal goals and the conceptual
self (Conway, Singer and Tagini, 2004). This working self shapes and determines which
information from experience will be encoded in AM. It also determines which memories can
be accessed from the autobiographical knowledge base according to one’s goals, plans or beliefs
(Conway and Loveday, 2015). The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among
the components of working self—goals, self and AM—in the part of the model associated with
AM recall. AM was tapped by measuring the frequency of use of three functions of
autobiographical remembering for various purposes: self-oriented, social-bonding and
directing-behavior functions (Bluck and Alea, 2011). We also examined the possibility of
relating SMS and the functional model of AM.
Self, in this context, is a way in which a person thinks of oneself based on previous
experiences (Schwartz, 2011). Self-esteem is subjective evaluation of one's own worth, i.e.
evaluation of the self (Rosenberg, 1965). In this research, we operationalised self as two
dimensions of global self-esteem: self-competence and self-liking. Self-competence is the
general impression of oneself as a causative agent, an intentional being who can generate
potential outcomes (Tafarodi and Swann, 2001). Self-liking is the part of self-esteem that refers
to self-assessment within the context of the social environment. It is an experiential personal
assessment of oneself as a social object (Damon and Hart, 1988). Goals are internal
representations of desired outcomes, events and processes (Austin and Vancouver, 1996). There
are different classifications of goals, but most researchers (e.g. Helgeson, 1994; Kotre, 1984;
McAdams, 1993, Pöhlmanna and Brunsteina, 1997) differentiate between agency and
communion goals. This concept is based on Bakans' (1966) work in which he identified agency
and communion as the “fundamental modalities” of human existence (pp. 14). Agency-oriented
goals indicate the individual’s effort to have an effect on his/her material and social
environment, while communion-oriented goals refer to developing or maintaining social
relations (Pöhlmann and Brunstein, 1997). Our goals were also operationalised as agency- and
communion-oriented short-term goals. SMS describes the aspiration to achieve goals; therefore,
we examined the level of goal aspirations. Since we assessed self-esteem and AM functions related to the period preceding the research, we decided to examine the level of achievement of
the goals as well.
The goal of this research was to examine the relationship between short-term goals
aspiration and achieved short-term goals and AM functions and self-esteem in order to
empirically examine the relations of those variables that make Conway and Pleydell-Pearce’s
(2000) working self (as part of SMS model). In addition to examining the working self model,
this research also studies the relationship between the subscales of the three latent variables of
the same model; agency and communal goals, three AM functions and self-liking and selfcompetence.
We assumed that the AM functions would mediate the relationship of short-term goals
with both self-liking and self-competence. We also presumed that the relationship between the
variables would be the same in the model with goal-achieving aspiration as in the model with
achieved goals. We hypothesized that the short-term goals (both agency and communion as
well as achieved and aspired) would be statistically significant predictors of all three functions
of AM. We also hypothesized that the social and self functions of AM would be stronger
predictors for self-liking than for self-competence, while the directive function of AM would
be a stronger predictor for self-competence than for self-liking.
The data were obtained from 414 first year students (289 female) at the University of
Osijek J. J. Strossmayer, Croatia. The main age of participants was M=19.5 (SD=0.83).
Participants completed three questionnaires: Scale of short-term student's goals (SKCS; Milić
and Vranić, 2017), The Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale – Revised (SLCS-R; Tafarodi and
Swann, 2001) and Thinking About Life Experiences scale (TALE; Bluck and Alea, 2011).
Testing was done in two steps. We conducted structural equation modeling (SEM)
analyses of two models. We first proposed that achieved goals were associated with AM
functions and self-esteem, while AB functions were associated with self-esteem. Associations
between achieved goals and both AM functions and self-esteem were positive, while
associations between AM functions and self-esteem were negative. The more we accomplish
our goals, the more we use AB memory functions and the higher our self-esteem. On the other
hand, the more we use AM functions, the lower our self-esteem. The model showed good fit,
but it also indicated that AM functions were not a mediating variable between the goals and
self-esteem. The model of goal-achieving aspiration, set as the one with the achieved goals, did
not show a good fit. When we rearranged the nature of relationship between latent variables,
the model's fit was much better than originally proposed. The second model proposed that selfesteem
was associated with AM functions via the mediating influence of aspiration to achieve goals. The lower our self-esteem, the more we strive to achieve our goals. The more we strive
in achieving our goals, the more we use our AM functions. These results can be explained by
people's need to protect, maintain and increase one's self-esteem level (Baumeister, 1998). The
participants of this research were first year students and, according to Chung et al (2013), their
level of self-esteem was disrupted by their transition from high school to university. Therefore,
we can assume that those students whose self-esteem was more disrupted (i.e., is lower) in that
transition are more motivated to regain and raise their self-esteem. They can do that efficiently
by striving to achieve the goals they set for themselves.
In the second part of the analysis, the relationship between subscales of the three latent
variables (goals, self-esteem and AM functions) was determined using regression analysis. The
results of this analysis revealed that agency-related achieved goals are positive predictors of
self function of AM, while communion-oriented achieved goals are positive predictors of all
three AM functions. It is possible that the participants were, prior to the research and enrolling
in the university, more oriented toward achieving more of the communion–oriented goals than
the agency goals and therefore used AM for this purpose.
Agency-oriented goals aspiration was a positive predictor of all three AM functions,
while communion-oriented goals aspiration was not a statistically significant predictor for any
of the three AM functions. According to these results, it appears that only aspirations for
agency-oriented goals had an effect on frequency of usage of AM functions. The more we strive
in accomplishing agency goals (i.e., goals are not readily accomplished), the more we use AM
functions. Analyzing the short-term goal questionnaire items, it is obvious that agency goals
were more related to personal development and to the self, while items concerning communionoriented
goals are more focused on others. In the model proposed by Conway and PleydellPearce
(2000) of the self memory system, the authors consider goals as ongoing and active
goals of oneself; therefore, the relationship between striving goals and three AM functions was
expected. Also, as participants of this study were first-year university students, it is possible
that they were more focused on achieving goals concerning the fulfillment of academic
obligations. AM related to currently active goals is more easily accessible than the AM related
to currently inactive or passive goals (Moberly and MacLeod, 2006). These results are
congruent with the findings of Abel and Wojciszke (2007), who found that students considered
agency-related goals to be more important than communion-related goals.
As AM functions were predictors of self-esteem in the previously mentioned model with
achieved goals, but self-esteem was the predictor of AM functions in the model with striving
goals, we cannot conclude the causality in this relations. Those two variables are (negatively) connected, although the nature of that relation is not determined. Examining the correlation
between the three AM functions and self-liking and self-competence, we established that only
the self-function of AM was (negatively) related to both self-liking and self-competence. The
more frequently the self AM function was used, the lower the self-liking and self-competence,
and vice versa. This negative connection is the result of operationalization of self-function. Selffunction
refers to the use of AM to maintain a sense of being the same coherent person during
one's lifetime (Barclay, 1996). It is presumed that one uses AM for this function when one needs
to feel that he/she is the same person as he/she was before. The more one is worried about selfconsistency,
the lower one’s self-liking and self competence. On the other hand, lower levels
of self-liking and self-competence create a greater need for self-inquiry. Similarly, Van den Bos
and Lind (2010) found that self-doubt (which can be related to self inquiry) and self-esteem are
moderately negatively correlated. Correlation between the self AM function and self-liking is
slightly stronger (r = -.25, p > .01) compared to the correlation between self AM function and
self-competence (r = -.14, p > .01). These results were expected, as self-liking refers to the
social values and skills which one attributes to oneself. Higher levels of self-liking are
correlated with greater self-acceptance (Tafarodi and Swann, 2001).
Goal striving, both agency and communal-oriented, was a negative predictor of both
self-liking and self-competence, while achieved goals were positive predictors of self-liking
and self-competence, respectively. If we strive in achieving goals, it is possible that we are not
satisfied with the pace of our progress and therefore estimate our self-liking and selfcompetence
as being lower. On the other hand, achieved goals may make us feel proud of
ourselves and therefore boost our self-competence and self-liking.
The aim of our analysis was to study the relationship between latent variables included
in the working self, which is part of the larger SMS model (Conway and Pleydell-Pearce, 2000).
Although we established that all three variables (goals, AM and self-esteem) are interconnected,
we did not confirm the hypothesis that AM function is the mediator between goals and selfesteem.
We also cannot determine the direction of the variables’ connections, as the model with
achieved goals and model with striving to achieve goals had differently placed directions
between variables. Based on the above-mentioned analysis results, we can conclude that we
partially confirmed the hypothesis related to relationships between goals and AM functions and
between AM functions and self-liking and self-competence, respectively.
Also, we can conclude that the self-function of AM is the most appropriate for linking
the functional AM theory and SMS model of AM, as only that function is connected to selfliking
and self-competence. This research makes several contributions to the literature. This is the first study where
all three variables of working self were placed in one model at a time. We also showed that
achieved goals can be placed in a model, although Conway and Pleydell-Pearce (2000) did
include striving to achieve goals in their SMS model. With this research, we showed that the
model that included achieved goals has different directions of connections between variables
than the model including striving to achieve goals. This is the first piece of research that
connects the SMS model and functional theory of AM. Also, for the first time we examined the
connection between AM functions and self-competence and self-liking as well as the
relationship between AM function and agency and communion short-term goals. The
contribution of this research is also the construction of scale of short-term student goals (SKCS;
Milić and Vranić, 2017), which was constructed for the purposes of this research.
In future research, it would be very useful to examine a more heterogeneous sample of
participants than this group of first-year students. It is presumable that older people and non–
students have different short-term goals and therefore may have differently connected variables
than examined in this research. Additionally, it would be useful to examine AM function with
different instruments to test the established results in this research. Considering that the SMS
model originally contained self-concept (instead of self-esteem as in this research), it would be
useful to test an established model with that variable. Since the self culturally differs, especially
between eastern and western cultures, it would be useful in the future to test the model in
different cultures.
Item Type: |
PhD Thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
Self memory system, autobiographical memory functions, self-function of
autobiographical memory, directive function of autobiographical memory, social function of
autobiographical memory, agency oriented short term goals, communal oriented short term
goals, self-esteem, self-liking, self-competence |
Subjects: |
Psychology > Kognitivna psihologija |
Departments: |
Department of Psychology |
Supervisor: |
Vranić, Andrea |
Additional Information: |
Poslijediplomski doktorski studij psihologije |
Date Deposited: |
28 Aug 2018 07:30 |
Last Modified: |
28 Aug 2018 07:30 |
URI: | |
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